Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/4/2015 1:28 AM, Matthew Gamble wrote:

Wow Mike. This seems like the most likely explanation to me. I'm a bit
hesitant to compile phobos from source on this machine with -m32mscoff.
Perhaps a similar test would be to compile my program on a 32-bit
windows machine? I can do this at work on Monday. If you are correct is
this something that should be reported and where would I do that?

You shouldn't have no problems compiling it on any Windows box. It isn't 
going to mess anything up. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and I can use 
the default 32-bit toolchain, the m32mscoff toolchain and the m64 
toolchain without issue.

It's probably easiest to do if you have a version of Visual Studio 
installed (I use 2013 community). To compile the m32mscoff version, I 
did the following:

1. Open the VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
2. set cl32=%VCINSTALLDIR%/bin/cl.exe
3. set ar32=%VCINSTALLDIR%/bin/lib.exe
4. cd druntime
5. %dm_make% -f win64.mak DMD=%DMD% MODEL=32mscoff "CC=\"%cl32%\""
6. cd ../phobos
7. %dm_make% -f win64.mak DMD=%DMD% MODEL=32mscoff "CC=\"%cl32%\"" 
MAKE=%dm_make% "AR=\"%ar32%\""

This creates a phobos32mscoff.lib, which you can then put anywhere on 
your lib path. I took the steps to compile from Rainer Schuetze's post 
at [1]. You may need to take additional steps, depending on whether the 
DMD and DM make are on your path, or if you've already compiled the 
source for another configuration. It's all there in his post.


Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oh, and issues should be reported at

Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 July 2015 at 16:28:29 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:

On Friday, 3 July 2015 at 02:16:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On 7/3/2015 8:44 AM, Matthew Gamble wrote:

The Phobos source actually includes the C source for zlib. You 
can find it in the DMD distribution in src/phobos/etc/c/zlib/. 
When Phobos is compiled, it also compiles zlib and pulls the 
library into the final Phobos lib. You don't need the zlib DLL.

You have no error in 64-bit because it's working as expected. 
The trick now is to determine what's screwing things up in 
32-bit. The starting point is at [1]. A quick bit of googling 
appears to suggest that _lseeki64 is a function specific to 
the Microsoft C runtime. I assume you're seeing the linker 
error because the DMC C runtime, which is the default used by 
DMD on Windows, does not include this function. If you compile 
using -m32mscoff (which also requires compiling a compatible 
version of Phobos), you'll be using the MS toolchain for 
32-bit and the error should go away.

This is all assumption, but it's where I would start. And if 
this actually is the issue ([2] suggests it is), I'm surprised 
it hasn't turned up before now.


Wow Mike. This seems like the most likely explanation to me. 
I'm a bit hesitant to compile phobos from source on this 
machine with -m32mscoff. Perhaps a similar test would be to 
compile my program on a 32-bit windows machine? I can do this 
at work on Monday. If you are correct is this something that 
should be reported and where would I do that?



BTW just so you know, having had a few horrendous experiences of 
installing other programs from scratch under linux with recursive 
pain when other programs they pull in also had problems: dmd + 
phobos are extremely easy and quick to compile (based on my own 
experience, which is all I can speak of).

There are personal psychological benefits to going through the 
experience once because one no longer thinks of things as a 
closed box one dare not touch, and acquires a deeper knowledge of 
the language and library.  And it won't mess up your main install 
of dmd because make install puts the files in a subdirectory (at 
least on linux - you should check if true of windows,but I should 
think so) rather than touching the base install.

Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-03 Thread Matthew Gamble via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 July 2015 at 02:16:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On 7/3/2015 8:44 AM, Matthew Gamble wrote:

The Phobos source actually includes the C source for zlib. You 
can find it in the DMD distribution in src/phobos/etc/c/zlib/. 
When Phobos is compiled, it also compiles zlib and pulls the 
library into the final Phobos lib. You don't need the zlib DLL.

You have no error in 64-bit because it's working as expected. 
The trick now is to determine what's screwing things up in 
32-bit. The starting point is at [1]. A quick bit of googling 
appears to suggest that _lseeki64 is a function specific to the 
Microsoft C runtime. I assume you're seeing the linker error 
because the DMC C runtime, which is the default used by DMD on 
Windows, does not include this function. If you compile using 
-m32mscoff (which also requires compiling a compatible version 
of Phobos), you'll be using the MS toolchain for 32-bit and the 
error should go away.

This is all assumption, but it's where I would start. And if 
this actually is the issue ([2] suggests it is), I'm surprised 
it hasn't turned up before now.


Wow Mike. This seems like the most likely explanation to me. I'm 
a bit hesitant to compile phobos from source on this machine with 
-m32mscoff. Perhaps a similar test would be to compile my program 
on a 32-bit windows machine? I can do this at work on Monday. If 
you are correct is this something that should be reported and 
where would I do that?



Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-02 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/3/2015 8:44 AM, Matthew Gamble wrote:

Thanks to Nicholas and Laeeth for all the suggestions. In the process of
trying to explicitly link to zlib.dll like a do for C++, I came across a
strange development. I changed the platform to x64 (Visual D) and now
the program compiles and runs fine without errors. This is without
pointing the linker to zlib.dll. While this allows me to continue
developing my program, I'm a bit concerned about why this would fix the
error and why etc.c.zlib cannot be compiled for 32bit on a 64bit
machine(Windows). Does this give anyone any insights into this problem?

The Phobos source actually includes the C source for zlib. You can find 
it in the DMD distribution in src/phobos/etc/c/zlib/. When Phobos is 
compiled, it also compiles zlib and pulls the library into the final 
Phobos lib. You don't need the zlib DLL.

You have no error in 64-bit because it's working as expected. The trick 
now is to determine what's screwing things up in 32-bit. The starting 
point is at [1]. A quick bit of googling appears to suggest that 
_lseeki64 is a function specific to the Microsoft C runtime. I assume 
you're seeing the linker error because the DMC C runtime, which is the 
default used by DMD on Windows, does not include this function. If you 
compile using -m32mscoff (which also requires compiling a compatible 
version of Phobos), you'll be using the MS toolchain for 32-bit and the 
error should go away.

This is all assumption, but it's where I would start. And if this 
actually is the issue ([2] suggests it is), I'm surprised it hasn't 
turned up before now.



Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-02 Thread Matthew Gamble via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 20:19:49 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 03:07:43 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:
I am trying to make the transition from C++ to D. I've hit a 
snag with the etc.c.zlib module where any attempt to use this 
module to open a file yields an error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64.

Here is a simple example of code that gives the error upon 

import std.stdio;
import etc.c.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

char[] mode ="r\0".dup;
gzFile bamFile; //no error here
	bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]); //this is where the 
error hits


I'm using DMD32 D Compiler v2.067.1 on a windows 8 64 bit 
machine. Working from either Visual D in Visual Studio 2013 
Community and Coedit as IDEs gives the error. I'm probably 
doing something obviously wrong, so have mercy. If etc.c.zlib 
is not the preferred way to read from a binary gzipped file 
any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


The etc.c.zlib headers are, I think, just translations of the C 
headers and allow you to link with an external library.  If the 
library is not installed, or the compiler/linker cannot find 
them then you may have a link error.  Are you sure that Visual 
Studio knows where to find the zlib library binary ?  Can you 
try compiling your project with DMD from the command line 
appending -L-lz (that might work on linux, but I don't know on 
windows)?  There is a program called everything from void tools 
that may be helpful in finding the library file if its location 
is not obvious.


Thanks to Nicholas and Laeeth for all the suggestions. In the 
process of trying to explicitly link to zlib.dll like a do for 
C++, I came across a strange development. I changed the platform 
to x64 (Visual D) and now the program compiles and runs fine 
without errors. This is without pointing the linker to zlib.dll. 
While this allows me to continue developing my program, I'm a bit 
concerned about why this would fix the error and why etc.c.zlib 
cannot be compiled for 32bit on a 64bit machine(Windows). Does 
this give anyone any insights into this problem?


Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-02 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 03:07:43 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:
I am trying to make the transition from C++ to D. I've hit a 
snag with the etc.c.zlib module where any attempt to use this 
module to open a file yields an error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64.

Here is a simple example of code that gives the error upon 

import std.stdio;
import etc.c.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

char[] mode ="r\0".dup;
gzFile bamFile; //no error here
	bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]); //this is where the 
error hits


I'm using DMD32 D Compiler v2.067.1 on a windows 8 64 bit 
machine. Working from either Visual D in Visual Studio 2013 
Community and Coedit as IDEs gives the error. I'm probably 
doing something obviously wrong, so have mercy. If etc.c.zlib 
is not the preferred way to read from a binary gzipped file any 
advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


The etc.c.zlib headers are, I think, just translations of the C 
headers and allow you to link with an external library.  If the 
library is not installed, or the compiler/linker cannot find them 
then you may have a link error.  Are you sure that Visual Studio 
knows where to find the zlib library binary ?  Can you try 
compiling your project with DMD from the command line appending 
-L-lz (that might work on linux, but I don't know on windows)?  
There is a program called everything from void tools that may be 
helpful in finding the library file if its location is not 


Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-02 Thread Matthew Gamble via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 12:36:35 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 03:07:43 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:
I am trying to make the transition from C++ to D. I've hit a 
snag with the etc.c.zlib module where any attempt to use this 
module to open a file yields an error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64.

Here is a simple example of code that gives the error upon 

import std.stdio;
import etc.c.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

char[] mode ="r\0".dup;
gzFile bamFile; //no error here
	bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]); //this is where the 
error hits


Is that a compiler error or a linker error?

I'm probably doing something obviously wrong, so have mercy. If 
is not the preferred way to read from a binary gzipped file 
any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]);

would be probably be more easily understood if written as:
string fName  = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

bamFile = gzopen(fName.ptr,mode.ptr);

as string _literals_ are nul terminated in D ( but not 
dynamically constructed ones: use .toStringz on them) assuming 
that gzopen doesn't manipulate it's arguments (I would very 
much doubt that).

Also if you're trying to do bam parsing/manipulating/whatever 
try to get a hold of Artem Tarasov who occasionally posts on 
these forums. He wrote the worlds fastest bam parser in D. He 
might be able to give you some hints on further questions.

Thanks for the style tips. I will incorporate them in the future.
I was digging through Artem's BAM parser code and it also makes 
use of a stripped down version of etc.c.zlib, so it seems like I 
would have the same problem if I was to compile his parser, but I 
can try that and perhaps alter my program to make use of pipes 
from Sambamba. That's not something I've considered before.

However, I only need the positional and flag information from the 
BAM files and I have previously written a parser in C++ using 
zlib that could do the job. I was just trying to move that parser 
over to D as a learning experience and so that I could easily 
incorporate it with the other programs I will write in D.

Here is the full output upon building the program in VS2013 with 
Visual D:

-- Build started: Project: zlibTest, Configuration: Release 
Win32 --

Building Release\zlibTest.exe...
OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.17
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2013  All rights reserved.
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64
Building Release\zlibTest.exe failed!
Details saved as "file://C:\Users\Matthew Gamble\documents\visual 
== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped 

Seems like a linking issue. I tried adding 
"C:\D\dmd2\windows\lib" to the lib search path in the linker 
properties in VS, But that did not help.

I would have thought that linking to a module in phobos would be 
automatic, like for std.stdio. Is that not the case?

Any advice or tips would be appreciated.



Re: etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-02 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 03:07:43 UTC, Matthew Gamble wrote:
I am trying to make the transition from C++ to D. I've hit a 
snag with the etc.c.zlib module where any attempt to use this 
module to open a file yields an error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64.

Here is a simple example of code that gives the error upon 

import std.stdio;
import etc.c.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

char[] mode ="r\0".dup;
gzFile bamFile; //no error here
	bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]); //this is where the 
error hits


Is that a compiler error or a linker error?

I'm probably doing something obviously wrong, so have mercy. If 
is not the preferred way to read from a binary gzipped file any 
advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]);

would be probably be more easily understood if written as:
string fName  = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

bamFile = gzopen(fName.ptr,mode.ptr);

as string _literals_ are nul terminated in D ( but not 
dynamically constructed ones: use .toStringz on them) assuming 
that gzopen doesn't manipulate it's arguments (I would very much 
doubt that).

Also if you're trying to do bam parsing/manipulating/whatever try 
to get a hold of Artem Tarasov who occasionally posts on these 
forums. He wrote the worlds fastest bam parser in D. He might be 
able to give you some hints on further questions.

etc.c.zlib help

2015-07-01 Thread Matthew Gamble via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to make the transition from C++ to D. I've hit a snag 
with the etc.c.zlib module where any attempt to use this module 
to open a file yields an error:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined __lseeki64.

Here is a simple example of code that gives the error upon 

import std.stdio;
import etc.c.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	char[] fName = "C:\\Users\\Matthew 

char[] mode ="r\0".dup;
gzFile bamFile; //no error here
	bamFile = gzopen(&fName[0],&mode[0]); //this is where the error 


I'm using DMD32 D Compiler v2.067.1 on a windows 8 64 bit 
machine. Working from either Visual D in Visual Studio 2013 
Community and Coedit as IDEs gives the error. I'm probably doing 
something obviously wrong, so have mercy. If etc.c.zlib is not 
the preferred way to read from a binary gzipped file any advice 
would be appreciated. Thanks.