Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-09-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/31/21 8:40 PM, someone wrote:

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 14:06:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The generation of code to output the page depends on the diet file 
format (i.e. code islands are designated by the leading `-`).

However, vibe-d does not require using the diet template system.

Does that means I can still get the code islands resolved on a, say, 
plain-XHTML file ?

Or does that means that I should output HTML/XHTML from my own functions 
instead ?

Vibe just provides an output range for use in diet. You can use 
anything, including just writing the data yourself, or using an 
alternative template system.

Given how templating systems work (and how D allows strings to be used 
as code using mixins), it's likely pretty trivial to write a simple 
templating system to do this. All you need is an escape protocol that 
is unlikely to appear in HTML, and you can probably get away with a 10 
line function that doesn't need to actually parse the HTML.

Probably. Bit I am not a huge fan of modifying libraries for minor 
functionality fixes (unless is really really necessary). For whatever 
reasons I already have custom nginx builds etc etc so I do not want to 
keep tracking and fixing more software -in the end is a pain-in-the-ass.

You aren't modifying anything. Vibe-d provides default access to 
diet-ng, but you have no obligation to use it. Just use the output range 
(`HTTPServerResponse.bodyWriter`) and hook up your preferred templating 

I think you are misunderstanding the architecture of vibe. There is no 
need to replace anything inside vibe to use a different templating 
system, it does not depend on diet at all, just provides default access.

The views directory isn't exactly special either (though there may be 
code in dub that deals with looking at modification times), nor is the 
extension `.dt`.

Most of the diet compiler is dealing with transforming the pug format 
into HTML, and proper string interpolation. The code island stuff is 
quite trivial (just copied as-is).

Oh, and I realized I forgot about string interpolation. You definitely 
want a way to change D expressions into string output. You can still do 
this with code-islands, but a good template system would handle the 
boilerplate for you.

Which leads me to -- diet really should be split into 2 parts, one that 
handles the pug parsing and compiling, and one that handles proper 
string interpolation. Then you could leverage that second part.


Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-31 Thread someone via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 07:40:10 UTC, bauss wrote:

You might be interested in

Even though it's a work in progress then you should be able to 
get by just fine with the basics for now.

Thanks for the tip bauss :) !

I am exploring it right now. Main problem is the lack of 
documentation: ... every section 
is empty.

My two cents-so-far:

Functionality   DietYurai


Total Score*9(11)/2020/20

* A higher score is better.

Methinks things like this are downs, its like insulting the 
intelligence of their potential customers. They are advertising 
software not kitchen appliances for gramma. At least they are 
reminding me that higher scores are better ... thanks for the tip 
you yurai developers !

Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-31 Thread someone via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 14:06:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

The generation of code to output the page depends on the diet 
file format (i.e. code islands are designated by the leading 

However, vibe-d does not require using the diet template system.

Does that means I can still get the code islands resolved on a, 
say, plain-XHTML file ?

Or does that means that I should output HTML/XHTML from my own 
functions instead ?

There are others which probably do what you want (search on, but I'm a huge fan of diet templates (I 
actually prefer writing non-template html that way), so I don't 
have any experience with others. as pointed by another user seems something 
I probably want to give it a try -it still relies on vibe.d but 
switched to plain HTML with its own code-islands more-or-less 
a-la ... although it is still a work-in-progress.

Given how templating systems work (and how D allows strings to 
be used as code using mixins), it's likely pretty trivial to 
write a simple templating system to do this. All you need is an 
escape protocol that is unlikely to appear in HTML, and you can 
probably get away with a 10 line function that doesn't need to 
actually parse the HTML.

Probably. Bit I am not a huge fan of modifying libraries for 
minor functionality fixes (unless is really really necessary). 
For whatever reasons I already have custom nginx builds etc etc 
so I do not want to keep tracking and fixing more software -in 
the end is a pain-in-the-ass.

However, I think vibe.d perhaps ought to provide a switch/flag to 
enable/disable DIET constructs on source files (views) resolving 
its code islands. Or more straightforward, if the requested file 
already has another extension other than the one used by DIET 
files just resolve the code-islands and be with it. No 
client-side code changes -business as usual. Or use another 
directory other than /views/ for bare files without DIET syntax. 
Just thinking ... what do you think ?


Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/30/21 8:09 PM, someone wrote:
Regarding vibe.d I think I'll give it a try (maybe placing it behind 
nginx at first) since I do really got a good first-impression ... kudos 
to the developers/maintainers :)

I like the idea of having D at my disposal within a web page, actually, 
it is a terrific feature to say the least.

What I do not like (even a bit) are the pseudo-HTML DIET templates. I 
can understand they can make life easy for some, but I am not the guy 
having any trouble writing well-good-structured HTML/XHTML/XML/etc to 
begin with, nor I am the kind of guy grunting because I will be forced 
to write closing tags and the like.

That being said, my specific question is:

Can I use vibe.d *without* DIET templates manually writing say, XHTML 
1.1 pages, *while having D* at my disposal with the - prefixes I have 
seen so far ?

The generation of code to output the page depends on the diet file 
format (i.e. code islands are designated by the leading `-`).

However, vibe-d does not require using the diet template system. There 
are others which probably do what you want (search on, 
but I'm a huge fan of diet templates (I actually prefer writing 
non-template html that way), so I don't have any experience with others.

Given how templating systems work (and how D allows strings to be used 
as code using mixins), it's likely pretty trivial to write a simple 
templating system to do this. All you need is an escape protocol that is 
unlikely to appear in HTML, and you can probably get away with a 10 line 
function that doesn't need to actually parse the HTML.


Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-31 Thread bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 00:09:14 UTC, someone wrote:
Regarding vibe.d I think I'll give it a try (maybe placing it 
behind nginx at first) since I do really got a good 
first-impression ... kudos to the developers/maintainers :)

I like the idea of having D at my disposal within a web page, 
actually, it is a terrific feature to say the least.

What I do not like (even a bit) are the pseudo-HTML DIET 
templates. I can understand they can make life easy for some, 
but I am not the guy having any trouble writing 
well-good-structured HTML/XHTML/XML/etc to begin with, nor I am 
the kind of guy grunting because I will be forced to write 
closing tags and the like.

That being said, my specific question is:

Can I use vibe.d *without* DIET templates manually writing say, 
XHTML 1.1 pages, *while having D* at my disposal with the - 
prefixes I have seen so far ?

I mean, I am almost sure I can write D functions returning text 
and making my web page on-the-fly, but this is not what I have 
in mind, I would like to have an actual text file for a web 
page with the aforementioned - prefixes to actually hook D code 
leveraging the pre-compiled feature of DIET templates.

You might be interested in

Even though it's a work in progress then you should be able to 
get by just fine with the basics for now.

Re: vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-30 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 00:09:14 UTC, someone wrote:
Can I use vibe.d *without* DIET templates manually writing say, 
XHTML 1.1 pages, *while having D* at my disposal with the - 
prefixes I have seen so far ?

I don't know much about vibe.d (I have my own D web stuff) but 
just for fun I wanted to try passing my dom.d through the ctfe 
engine to do the embedded code thing.

50ish lines for the basic extractor i slapped together in 20 mins.


import arsd.dom;

string toD(string s) {
return `append(` ~ "`" ~ s ~ "`" ~ `);`;

template loadTemplateMixin(string doc) {
string helper() {
Document document = new Document;
document.parseSawAspCode = (string) => true;

string code;

void expand(Element element) {
if(auto asp = cast(AspCode) element) {
if(asp.source.length > 3 && asp.source[1] == 
code ~= `append(` ~ asp.source[2 .. 
$-1] ~ `);`;
code ~= asp.source[1 .. $-1];
} else if(auto tn = cast(TextNode) element) {
code ~= toD(tn.toString());
} else if(auto sn = cast(SpecialElement) element) {
code ~= toD(sn.toString());
} else {
code ~= toD("<" ~ element.tagName);
foreach(k, v; element.attributes) {
code ~= toD(" ");
code ~= toD(k.htmlEntitiesEncode);
code ~= toD("=\"");
code ~= toD(v.htmlEntitiesEncode);
code ~= toD("\"");

code ~= toD(">");
foreach(child; element.children)
code ~= toD("");


return code;

enum loadTemplateMixin = helper();


// this could be in a file import("file.html") too btw
enum doc = ` foocssid="main"><%= my_string[0 .. 5] %>

<% foreach(item; strings)

void main() {

string html;

// and it can see these variables in the <% %> blocks
string my_string = "hello world";

string[] strings = ["omg", "wtf", "lol"];

void append(string s) {
html ~= s;


import std.stdio;


Not exactly the fastest compile though but I could prolly 
optimize that if i spent a lil more time on it.

Now that it yields a string though you can return that to vibe 
using whatever method it uses.

Also note that you get a compile error on malformed input xhtml 

vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

2021-08-30 Thread someone via Digitalmars-d-learn
Regarding vibe.d I think I'll give it a try (maybe placing it 
behind nginx at first) since I do really got a good 
first-impression ... kudos to the developers/maintainers :)

I like the idea of having D at my disposal within a web page, 
actually, it is a terrific feature to say the least.

What I do not like (even a bit) are the pseudo-HTML DIET 
templates. I can understand they can make life easy for some, but 
I am not the guy having any trouble writing well-good-structured 
HTML/XHTML/XML/etc to begin with, nor I am the kind of guy 
grunting because I will be forced to write closing tags and the 

That being said, my specific question is:

Can I use vibe.d *without* DIET templates manually writing say, 
XHTML 1.1 pages, *while having D* at my disposal with the - 
prefixes I have seen so far ?

I mean, I am almost sure I can write D functions returning text 
and making my web page on-the-fly, but this is not what I have in 
mind, I would like to have an actual text file for a web page 
with the aforementioned - prefixes to actually hook D code 
leveraging the pre-compiled feature of DIET templates.