Re: How to use D parallel functions/library

2015-11-24 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 24.11.2015 19:49, Bishop120 wrote:

I figured this would be a simple parallel foreach function with an iota
range of sizeX and just making int X declared inside the function so
that I didnt have to worry about shared variable but I cant get around
the alive++ reduction and I dont understand enough about D's
reduction/parallel library.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for yalls patience and assistance!

I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you maybe looking for 


import core.atomic: atomicOp;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.range: iota;
import std.stdio: writeln;

void main()
int x = 0;
shared int y = 0;
foreach(i; parallel(iota(100_000)))
writeln(x); /* usually less than 100_000 */
writeln(y); /* 100_000 */

Re: How to use D parallel functions/library

2015-11-24 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 18:49:25 UTC, Bishop120 wrote:
I figured this would be a simple parallel foreach function with 
an iota range of sizeX and just making int X declared inside 
the function so that I didnt have to worry about shared 
variable but I cant get around the alive++ reduction and I dont 
understand enough about D's reduction/parallel library.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for yalls patience and assistance!

Incrementing often the same variable from different parallel 
threads is a very bad idea in terms of performance. I would 
suggest counting number of alive cells for each row independently 
(in a local non-shared variable) and storing it to an array (one 
value per row), then after the loop sum them up.

auto aliveCellsPerRow = new int[N];

foreach(i; iota(N).parallel) {
  int aliveHere;
  //...process a row...
  aliveCellsPerRow[i] = aliveHere;

alive = aliveCellsPerRow.sum;

Then everything will be truly parallel, correct and fast.

How to use D parallel functions/library

2015-11-24 Thread Bishop120 via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hey everyone.  A new D learner here.  So far I love D and how 
much better its working than C++.  One thing I like doing is 
parallel functions so with C++ using OMP.  Right now Im trying to 
figure out how to do Conways Game of Life in D in parallel.  
Serially D is much faster than C++ so I feel fairly confident 
that it should be faster using D's parallelism library.

In C++ with OMP its pretty easy to do a parallel for with a 
private and a reduction variable but I am having problems 
understanding how to do this in D.  Heres the meat of my parallel 
code for the Game of Life.  Can yall help me understand how to 
convert this to D?

//Iterate through 2d matrix ignoring the border cells (starting 
at 1 and going to matrix size)

#pragma omp for private (x) reduction (+:alive) schedule (dynamic)
for (int i = 1; i <= sizeX; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= sizeY; j++)
//Set X to 0... sumerize all 8 of X's neighbors including 
border cells

x = 0;
x += matrixA[i - 1][j] + matrixA[i + 1][j] + matrixA[i][j - 
1] + matrixA[i][j + 1] + matrixA[i - 1][j - 1] + matrixA[i - 1][j 
+ 1] + matrixA[i + 1][j - 1] + matrixA[i + 1][j + 1];

//If cell is alive
if (matrixA[i][j] == true)
//Cell dies if it doesnot have 2 or 3 
if (x < 2 || x > 3)
matrixB[i][j] = false;
//Mark cell as alive in matrix B
matrixB[i][j] = true;

//If cell is not alive
//Cell becomes alive if it has exactly 
3 neighbors
if (x == 3)
//Mark cell alive in matrix B
matrixB[i][j] = true;

The Matrices are bools since its only alive or dead.  I keep 
track of the number of alive cells so that I can see at a glance 
if things are working correctly since the same seed run the same 
number of iterations will always have the same outcome.  For 
simplicity sake imagine that the matrices are 2002 x 2002.  The 
reason they are extra rows and columns is so that I can do wrap 
around but thats not relevant here.

I figured this would be a simple parallel foreach function with 
an iota range of sizeX and just making int X declared inside the 
function so that I didnt have to worry about shared variable but 
I cant get around the alive++ reduction and I dont understand 
enough about D's reduction/parallel library.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for yalls patience and assistance!
