Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-15 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 December 2017 at 17:24:33 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi Biotronic,

 I was able to find a solution using container array and also 
date formatting, below is the code, please do let me know if 
you find any issue, as i have tested the script and it is 
working as expected.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort, each;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln,writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;
import std.conv;
void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Sorted;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d,

Why specify Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) here? The return 
value from map should be perfectly fine, and if you really want 
an array I'd suggest writing

dirEntries(d, SpanMode.shallow)
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated)))
It's shorter, easier to read, and the speed difference should be 
miniscule at best. The same comment applies to Sorted, above, 
which could be defined as Tuple!(string, SysTime)[].

SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(i; dFiles[]){ Sorted ~= i; }

No need for a foreach here, you can just do Sorted ~= dFiles.

Sorted[].sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]).each!(e => writefln!"%-63s 
%.20s"(e[0], e[1].to!string));

You seem to be sorting and printing the Sorted array once per 
folder. Going back to [3,5,1], [6,2,4] example, this will print 
1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6. That is, it sorts [3,5,1], then prints the 
result. Then it sorts [1,3,5,6,2,4], and prints that. If you move 
the sorting and priting outside the loop (so it's the last line 
before leaving main), you should get the correct result, and and 
not waste time sorting the array multiple times.


In total, the changes I propose would lead to this code:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort, each;
import std.array : array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;
import std.conv : to;
void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Tuple!(string, SysTime)[] Sorted;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = dirEntries(d, SpanMode.shallow)
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated))
Sorted ~= dFiles;
Sorted[].sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1])
.each!(e => writefln!"%-63s %.20s"(e[0], e[1].to!string));


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-15 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 19:00:01 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 15:19:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated)));

foreach(e; dFiles) { Result ~= e; } }
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %.20s %)\n%)", Result[].sort!((a, b) 
=> a[1] < b[1]));


Since there's little need to extract timeCreated and name 
before sorting, here's a version that doesn't:

import std.algorithm : map, filter, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.range : join;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, 

auto sorted = folders
.map!(f => f.dirEntries(SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(e => e.isDir)
.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated)
.map!(e => tuple(, e.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 
.. 20]));

writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", sorted);

And a version with normal loops, since the heavily range-based 
version above can be a bit dense. These programs do essentially 
the same thing:

import std.algorithm : sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, DirEntry, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, 

DirEntry[] subFolders;

foreach (folder; folders) {
auto children = dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow);
foreach (child; children) {
if (child.isDir) subFolders ~= child;

subFolders.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated);
Tuple!(string, string)[] interestingParts;

foreach (subFolder; subFolders) {
interestingParts ~= tuple(, 


writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", interestingParts);

As you can see, I'm just chopping off the parts I don't like 
from toSimpleString. It seems a good format function for dates 
does not exist in Phobos.


Hi Biotronic,

 I was able to find a solution using container array and also 
date formatting, below is the code, please do let me know if you 
find any issue, as i have tested the script and it is working as 

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort, each;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln,writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;
import std.conv;
void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Sorted;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(i; dFiles[]){ Sorted ~= i; }
Sorted[].sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]).each!(e => writefln!"%-63s 
%.20s"(e[0], e[1].to!string));



Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-13 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 19:00:01 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 15:19:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated)));

foreach(e; dFiles) { Result ~= e; } }
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %.20s %)\n%)", Result[].sort!((a, b) 
=> a[1] < b[1]));


Since there's little need to extract timeCreated and name 
before sorting, here's a version that doesn't:

import std.algorithm : map, filter, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.range : join;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, 

auto sorted = folders
.map!(f => f.dirEntries(SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(e => e.isDir)
.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated)
.map!(e => tuple(, e.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 
.. 20]));

writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", sorted);

And a version with normal loops, since the heavily range-based 
version above can be a bit dense. These programs do essentially 
the same thing:

import std.algorithm : sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, DirEntry, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, 

DirEntry[] subFolders;

foreach (folder; folders) {
auto children = dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow);
foreach (child; children) {
if (child.isDir) subFolders ~= child;

subFolders.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated);
Tuple!(string, string)[] interestingParts;

foreach (subFolder; subFolders) {
interestingParts ~= tuple(, 


writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", interestingParts);

As you can see, I'm just chopping off the parts I don't like 
from toSimpleString. It seems a good format function for dates 
does not exist in Phobos.


Hi Biotronic,

 I was able to find a solution using container array and also 
date formatting, below is the code, please do let me know if you 
find any issue, as i have tested the script and it is working as 

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort, each;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writeln,writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;
import std.conv;
void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Sorted;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(i; dFiles[]){ Sorted ~= i; }
Sorted[].sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]).each!(e => writefln!"%-63s 
%.20s"(e[0], e[1].to!string));



Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-12 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 15:19:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(e; dFiles) { Result ~= e; } }
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %.20s %)\n%)", Result[].sort!((a, b) 
=> a[1] < b[1]));


Since there's little need to extract timeCreated and name before 
sorting, here's a version that doesn't:

import std.algorithm : map, filter, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.range : join;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, `C:\Users`];

auto sorted = folders
.map!(f => f.dirEntries(SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(e => e.isDir)
.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated)
.map!(e => tuple(, e.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 
.. 20]));

writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", sorted);

And a version with normal loops, since the heavily range-based 
version above can be a bit dense. These programs do essentially 
the same thing:

import std.algorithm : sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, DirEntry, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;

void main() {
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, `C:\Users`];

DirEntry[] subFolders;

foreach (folder; folders) {
auto children = dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow);
foreach (child; children) {
if (child.isDir) subFolders ~= child;

subFolders.sort!((a,b) => a.timeCreated < b.timeCreated);
Tuple!(string, string)[] interestingParts;

foreach (subFolder; subFolders) {
interestingParts ~= tuple(, 


writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", interestingParts);

As you can see, I'm just chopping off the parts I don't like from 
toSimpleString. It seems a good format function for dates does 
not exist in Phobos.


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-12 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 20:58:31 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 19:46:04 UTC, Vino wrote:

import std.algorithm;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.range: chain;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", 

foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated)));
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a, b) 
=> a[1] < b[1]));


So let's go through this code then, shall we?

Edited a bit for clarity:

// For each directory (*one at a time*),
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
// List all the folders
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(
dirEntries(d, SpanMode.shallow)
// Not the files,
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
// Grab only the information we want,
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated)));
// And print a sorted list of the subfolders of the 
current folder.
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", 
chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a, b) => a[1] < b[1]));


This will go through C:\Temp\BACKUP, and display a sorted list 
of all the subfolders in that folder. Then it will do the same 
for C:\Temp\EXPORT, and then for C:\Temp\PROD_TEAM.

No subfolder of C:\Temp\PROD_TEAM will be displayed before 
anything in C:\Temp\BACKUP, because you're sorting only one set 
of subfolders at a time.

What you're essentially doing, is sorting [6,2,4] and [3,5,1] 
separately, and printing them separately, giving the illusion 
of having sorted them into the array [2,4,6,1,3,5]. As you 
correctly point out, this is not what you wanted. The code I 
presented avoids this by joining the lists for all the folders.

Your code could also be simplified a bit - there's no need for 
the call to chain, and calling is 
easier to read and write than having Array!(Tuple!(string, 
SysTime)) at the front.

In case my code from earlier was hard to understand, here's 
another version~, more closely modeled to your code:

import std.algorithm : map, filter, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime : SysTime;

void main() {
// The folders we want to look in.
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, 

// We'll put all the subfolders we find here, so we can 
sort them in the end.

Tuple!(string, SysTime)[] subFolders;

// Look through each folder in turn.
foreach (folder; folders) {
// Get all entries in the folder,
auto entries = dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow);
// Get rid of files,
auto folderEntries = entries.filter!(a => a.isDir);
// Grab the interesting parts,
auto interestingParts =!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated));

// And add it to the array.
subFolders ~= interestingParts.array;
// Sort the entire array.
auto sorted = subFolders.sort!((a, b) => a[1] < b[1]);
// And print it!
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", sorted);


 Thank you very much , was able to resolve the issue using your 
logic with a bit of addition and not i am getting the sorted 
output as expected, except that the date and time are displayed 
as "2017-Sep-05 14:31:00.7037169" so may i know how do we get the 
output as

"2017-Sep-05 14:31:00".

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime.systime: SysTime;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime)) Result;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
	auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 

foreach(e; dFiles) { Result ~= e; } }
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %.20s %)\n%)", Result[].sort!((a, b) => 
a[1] < b[1]));



Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 19:46:04 UTC, Vino wrote:

import std.algorithm;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.range: chain;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", 

foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a, b) 
=> a[1] < b[1]));


So let's go through this code then, shall we?

Edited a bit for clarity:

// For each directory (*one at a time*),
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
// List all the folders
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(
dirEntries(d, SpanMode.shallow)
// Not the files,
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
// Grab only the information we want,
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated)));
// And print a sorted list of the subfolders of the 
current folder.
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", 
chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a, b) => a[1] < b[1]));


This will go through C:\Temp\BACKUP, and display a sorted list of 
all the subfolders in that folder. Then it will do the same for 
C:\Temp\EXPORT, and then for C:\Temp\PROD_TEAM.

No subfolder of C:\Temp\PROD_TEAM will be displayed before 
anything in C:\Temp\BACKUP, because you're sorting only one set 
of subfolders at a time.

What you're essentially doing, is sorting [6,2,4] and [3,5,1] 
separately, and printing them separately, giving the illusion of 
having sorted them into the array [2,4,6,1,3,5]. As you correctly 
point out, this is not what you wanted. The code I presented 
avoids this by joining the lists for all the folders.

Your code could also be simplified a bit - there's no need for 
the call to chain, and calling is 
easier to read and write than having Array!(Tuple!(string, 
SysTime)) at the front.

In case my code from earlier was hard to understand, here's 
another version~, more closely modeled to your code:

import std.algorithm : map, filter, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
import std.datetime : SysTime;

void main() {
// The folders we want to look in.
auto folders = [`C:\Windows`, `C:\Program Files`, `C:\Users`];

// We'll put all the subfolders we find here, so we can sort 
them in the end.

Tuple!(string, SysTime)[] subFolders;

// Look through each folder in turn.
foreach (folder; folders) {
// Get all entries in the folder,
auto entries = dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow);
// Get rid of files,
auto folderEntries = entries.filter!(a => a.isDir);
// Grab the interesting parts,
auto interestingParts =!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated));

// And add it to the array.
subFolders ~= interestingParts.array;
// Sort the entire array.
auto sorted = subFolders.sort!((a, b) => a[1] < b[1]);
// And print it!
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", sorted);

Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 19:23:40 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 16:15:14 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:54:11 UTC, Biotronic wrote:


Hi Biotronic,

 I tried your code with multiple folder's , but no luck the 
output is not sorted.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

auto sorted = FFs
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);
writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);


Your program still contains toSimpleString in the sort lambda. 
Have you, as suggested, removed it?
As Biotronic explained, sorting on the string representation of 
dates can't work.


 Yes, I have changed the code as below, and removed the 
toSimpleString, even then no luck.

import std.algorithm;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.range: chain;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", 

foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, SysTime))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a, b) => 
a[1] < b[1]));


2017-Sep-05 14:31:00.7037169
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42.7223837
2017-Sep-09 22:44:11.7604069
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07.5122231
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02.6413853

2017-Sep-05 14:31:00.8909172
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01.8269189

Required Output:
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00.7037169
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00.8909172
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01.8269189
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42.7223837
2017-Sep-09 22:44:11.7604069
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07.5122231
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02.6413853


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 16:15:14 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:54:11 UTC, Biotronic wrote:


Hi Biotronic,

 I tried your code with multiple folder's , but no luck the 
output is not sorted.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

auto sorted = FFs
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20]))
.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);
writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);


Your program still contains toSimpleString in the sort lambda. 
Have you, as suggested, removed it?
As Biotronic explained, sorting on the string representation of 
dates can't work.

Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:54:11 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:33:08 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:15:47 UTC, Biotronic wrote:



 I tired that but no luck, below is the output, in your code 
you have one folder "auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];" if you have 
multiple folder then output is not sorted.

2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01

Are you sure that's the output from my code? Let's step through 
the code:

// Iterating over folders:
// Create a range where each element is a range of DirEntry
// in the given folder.
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
// Join these together to a single range of DirEntry 
instead of

// a range-of-ranges-of-DirEntry.
// Remove anything that's not a folder.
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
// Grab the information we actually care about.
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated))
// Enumerate to an array, so we can sort it.
// Sort this array by the second tuple element 

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);

If this code does not do what you're asking, there's a bug 
outside of the code, probably in the standard library.

If instead you are invoking the program multiple times with a 
single folder each time, the output you describe is to be 

Apart from that, I'm not sure what could be wrong.


Hi Biotronic,

 I tried your code with multiple folder's , but no luck the 
output is not sorted.

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.stdio: writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  ["C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\PROD_TEAM"];

auto sorted = FFs
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20]))
.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);
writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:33:08 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:15:47 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 14:52:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

Example Program and Output

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: chain;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  Array!(string)("C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM");

int AgeSize = 2;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20])));
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a,b) 
=> a[0] > b[0]));


You're somewhat close. You're sorting based on the 0th element 
of your tuples, while you should sort on the 1st. Something 
like this:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: join;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: tuple;

void main () {
auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];

auto sorted = folders
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, 
a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20]))

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);

writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);



 I tired that but no luck, below is the output, in your code 
you have one folder "auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];" if you have 
multiple folder then output is not sorted.

2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01

Are you sure that's the output from my code? Let's step through 
the code:

// Iterating over folders:
// Create a range where each element is a range of DirEntry
// in the given folder.
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
// Join these together to a single range of DirEntry instead 

// a range-of-ranges-of-DirEntry.
// Remove anything that's not a folder.
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
// Grab the information we actually care about.
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated))
// Enumerate to an array, so we can sort it.
// Sort this array by the second tuple element (timeCreated).
.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);

If this code does not do what you're asking, there's a bug 
outside of the code, probably in the standard library.

If instead you are invoking the program multiple times with a 
single folder each time, the output you describe is to be 

Apart from that, I'm not sure what could be wrong.


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:33:08 UTC, Vino wrote:
 I tired that but no luck, below is the output, in your code 
you have one folder "auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];" if you have 
multiple folder then output is not sorted.

Works on my machine. Of course, since time toSimpleString returns 
non-ISO8601, the sorting might not make perfect sense 
("2017-Dec-12" < "2017-Jan-01"). Testing with multiple folders 
gives perfectly sorted output. If you want it sorted by date 
instead of by string representation of date, feel free to remove 
.toSimpleString[0 .. 20].


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 15:15:47 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 14:52:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

Example Program and Output

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: chain;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  Array!(string)("C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM");

int AgeSize = 2;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => 
tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20])));
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a,b) 
=> a[0] > b[0]));


You're somewhat close. You're sorting based on the 0th element 
of your tuples, while you should sort on the 1st. Something 
like this:

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: join;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: tuple;

void main () {
auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];

auto sorted = folders
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 
.. 20]))

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);

writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);



 I tired that but no luck, below is the output, in your code you 
have one folder "auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];" if you have 
multiple folder then output is not sorted.

2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 14:52:35 UTC, Vino wrote:

Example Program and Output

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: chain;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  Array!(string)("C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM");

int AgeSize = 2;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 
a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20])));
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a,b) => 
a[0] > b[0]));


You're somewhat close. You're sorting based on the 0th element of 
your tuples, while you should sort on the 1st. Something like 

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.array : array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: join;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: tuple;

void main () {
auto folders =  ["D:\\Dev"];

auto sorted = folders
.map!(a => dirEntries(a, SpanMode.shallow))
.filter!(a => a.isDir)
.map!(a => tuple(, a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 
.. 20]))

.sort!((a,b) => a[1] > b[1]);

writefln("%( %( %-63s %s %) \n%)", sorted);


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 14:25:16 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 13:58:49 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

  Request your help in tuple array sorting, I have a function 
which returns tuple values as below so how do i sort this type 
of array based on the time stamp(Acceding order) .

C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57

Required Output:
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57
C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42


A small additional Information

C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 1)
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 2)
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 3)
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 4)

 Required Output:
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 4)
C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 1)
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 2)
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 3)


Example Program and Output

import std.algorithm: filter, map, sort;
import std.container.array;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir ;
import std.range: chain;
import std.stdio: writefln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;

void main () {
auto FFs =  Array!(string)("C:\\Temp\\BACKUP", 
"C:\\Temp\\EXPORT", "C:\\Temp\\PROD_TEAM");

int AgeSize = 2;
foreach(d; FFs[]) {
auto dFiles = Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(dirEntries(d, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir).map!(a => tuple(, 
a.timeCreated.toSimpleString[0 .. 20])));
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %s %)\n%)", chain(dFiles[]).sort!((a,b) => 
a[0] > b[0]));



2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42
2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01

Output Required
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:00
2017-Sep-05 14:31:01
2017-Sep-06 16:06:42
2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
2017-Dec-10 06:56:07
2017-Dec-11 04:10:02


Re: Tuple Array Sorting

2017-12-11 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 13:58:49 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

  Request your help in tuple array sorting, I have a function 
which returns tuple values as below so how do i sort this type 
of array based on the time stamp(Acceding order) .

C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57

Required Output:
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57
C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42


A small additional Information

C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 1)
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 2)
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 3)
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 4)

 Required Output:
C:\Temp\USER\dir3 2017-Sep-05 16:06:57 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 4)
C:\Temp\EXPORT\dir2   2017-Sep-06 16:06:58 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 1)
C:\Temp\BACKUP\dir2   2017-Sep-09 22:44:11 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 2)
C:\Temp\TEAM\dir1 2017-Sep-10 16:06:42 - 
Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) (Array 3)
