Re: Read from terminal when enter is pressed, but do other stuff in the mean time...

2017-07-13 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 15:52:57 UTC, Dustmight wrote:
How do I read in input from the terminal without sitting there 
waiting for it? I've got code I want to run while there's no 
input, and then code I want to act on input when it comes in. 
How do I do both these things?

As Stefan mentions, the single threaded version is basically OS 
specific (and as others have said there are some wrappers 
available) the multithreaded solution is fairly simple (have one 
thread blocked on read(stdin), the other working, synchronize as 
If you are interested, on Linux one low level (single threaded) 
version would essentially consist of:
- check on program startup whether the stdin file descriptor 
refers to something that (sanely) supports readiness events (tty, 
sockets, pipes, etc. - *not* regular files) using calls like 
`isatty`[1] and co.

- if it's a tty, put it into "raw" mode
- get yourself an epoll instance and register stdin with it
- get a file descriptor, e.g. an eventfd, for "there's work to be 
done now" and register it with the epoll instance
- have the thread wait for readiness events on the epoll instance 
and deal with stdin being readable and "there's work to be done 
now" events for their respective fd.
- Queue work on the eventfd as necessary (e.g. from within the 
readiness handling of the previous step)


Re: Read from terminal when enter is pressed, but do other stuff in the mean time...

2017-07-13 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/13/2017 08:52 AM, Dustmight wrote:

How do I read in input from the terminal without sitting there waiting
for it? I've got code I want to run while there's no input, and then
code I want to act on input when it comes in. How do I do both these

If you're fine with buffered input, i.e. the user has to press Enter 
before the input is visible to the program, then std.concurrency works 
pretty well.

Enter lines to the following program. It will exit when you send the 
line "done".

import std.concurrency;
import std.stdio;
import core.thread;
import std.range;

struct Done {

struct Message {
string line;

void worker() {
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
(Message message) {
auto line = message.line;
writefln("Received \"%s\"", line);
while (!line.empty) {
writefln("Done with \"%s\"", message);
(Done message) {
done = true;

void main() {
auto w = spawn(&worker);

foreach (line; stdin.byLineCopy) {
if (line == "done") {



Re: Read from terminal when enter is pressed, but do other stuff in the mean time...

2017-07-13 Thread NotSpooky via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 15:52:57 UTC, Dustmight wrote:
How do I read in input from the terminal without sitting there 
waiting for it? I've got code I want to run while there's no 
input, and then code I want to act on input when it comes in. 
How do I do both these things?

Might want to check Adam's Terminal.d
Docs at

You can use a RealTimeConsoleInput with getch. You can use kbhit 
to check whether getch would block. However I found inconsistent 
behavior between platforms with kbhit, so might wanna test.

Re: Read from terminal when enter is pressed, but do other stuff in the mean time...

2017-07-13 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 15:52:57 UTC, Dustmight wrote:
How do I read in input from the terminal without sitting there 
waiting for it? I've got code I want to run while there's no 
input, and then code I want to act on input when it comes in. 
How do I do both these things?

You have to ask the OS for this.
All of this is platform specific functionality.
check your operating-system-api
search terms are unbufferd i/o
and event-loop

Read from terminal when enter is pressed, but do other stuff in the mean time...

2017-07-13 Thread Dustmight via Digitalmars-d-learn
How do I read in input from the terminal without sitting there 
waiting for it? I've got code I want to run while there's no 
input, and then code I want to act on input when it comes in. How 
do I do both these things?