Error: static variable `thompsonFactory` cannot be read at compile time, Trying to regex an import file.

Also I have a group (...)* and it always fails or matches only one but if I do (...)(...)(...) it matches all 3(fails if more or less of course. ... is the regex).

Also when I ignore a group (?:Text) I get Text as a matched group ;/

But all this is irrelevant if I can't get the code to work at compile time. I tried ctRegex

// A workaround for R-T enum re = regex(...)
template defaultFactory(Char)
@property MatcherFactory!Char defaultFactory(const ref Regex!Char re) @safe
import std.regex.internal.backtracking : BacktrackingMatcher;
        import std.regex.internal.thompson : ThompsonMatcher;
        import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
        static MatcherFactory!Char backtrackingFactory;
        static MatcherFactory!Char thompsonFactory;
        if (re.backrefed.canFind!"a != 0")
            if (backtrackingFactory is null)
backtrackingFactory = new RuntimeFactory!(BacktrackingMatcher, Char);
            return backtrackingFactory;
            if (thompsonFactory is null)
thompsonFactory = new RuntimeFactory!(ThompsonMatcher, Char);
            return thompsonFactory;

The workaround seems to workaround working.

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