[digitalradio] Hellschreiber History

2008-06-06 Thread Pete Kemp
Interested in Hellschreiber History? While exploring eBay I found the following item being offered for sale. I am NOT connected with this sale in any way. 73, Pete, KZ1Z FH# 8: --- 1927 Picture Transmission Fax Invention, Rudolf Hell Item number: 150230791145 ---

[digitalradio] FCC Digital Reg Revision

2006-11-28 Thread Pete Kemp
FCC Corrects J2D Error in "Omnibus" Report and Order NEWINGTON, CT, Nov 28, 2006 -- The FCC today released an Erratum that corrects one error in the recent<> Report and Order (

[digitalradio] SlowFeld

2006-11-18 Thread Pete Kemp
Talking all about airplanes last week led to airplane bounce software this week. by Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU G3PPT's VHF Communication via Aircraft Reflections Web page describes the aircraft propagation anomaly and includes software to ex

[digitalradio] New FCC Rules Dec 15th

2006-11-15 Thread Pete Kemp
FCC "Omnibus" Amateur Radio R&O Published in Federal Register, Takes Effect December 15 NEWINGTON, CT (November 15, 2006) -- Just a little over a month after the Federal Communications Commission released the Report and Order (R&O) in the so-called "Omnibus" Amateur Radio proceeding, WT Docket