Digitalradio Message Posting Rules:

Messages that promote commercial products are NOT allowed, with the
exception of products directly associated with Amateur Radio or Short
Wave Listening.

Messages should be related to amateur radio, shortwave listening, and
especially digital communication.

Occasional posting of items that are not directly related may be
allowed but please contact the moderator first.

Messages may be posted in any language.

Messages cannot promote activities that are considered illegal by
Yahoo, or encourage copyright violation.

Member Behaviour:

This group is uncensored. Members are free to engage in the posting
of information, solicit answers to questions, and engage in lively

Expressions of diverse opinions are encouraged. However, expressions
of opinion should be non-judgmental and devoid of personal insult.

For example : You can say " I really disagree, and I think your view
is totally wrong" but should not say "You are a jerk,
and obviously have the I.Q of a mole".

Racist remarks, or remarks intolerant of the diverse cultures found
within the amateur radio community, are not allowed.

The expression of fraternal greetings associated with varying
holidays celebrated around the world are ARE allowed.

The use of swear words is discouraged.

Please try to avoid endless debate of a topic. Make your opinions
known by all means, respond to counterpoints a couple of times too,
if you want. However, after a while, debates often turn in to endless
circular arguments. When this happens the moderators will occasionally
"end the debate" by giving a 72 hour notice. This means after 72
hours notice, posting on the topic should end.

Occasionally, a "cooling off" period is enacted whereby the list is
placed on fully moderated status to allow the debate to cool of. In
2006 for example, this happened three times.


No member will be removed or banned simply because they expressed an
idea. Only two members has ever been banned.  If you
post or reply to a message that is considered clearly inappropriate,
you will receive a friendly message from the Moderator. If you
continue to send inappropriate messages you will receive an official
warning. If the offensive posting continues your ability to post
messages will be suspended for 30 days. Repeat of such actions will
result in a one year ban from this group.

The posting of pornographic messages or pictures (to Files section)
will result in an immediate ban.

73 de Andy, Lynn, and John.

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