
Thanks to all who participated in the Contestia tests this evening. It 
certainly seems to have an advantage over MT63 in terms of sensitivity. Patrick 
Lindecker pointed out the mean-to-peak power ratio differences between the two 
and is no doubt the reason why Contestia is the more effective mode. 

Contestia does about 95 words-per-minute in the 16/1K configuration so it's 
somewhat slower than MT63. Turn around time is the same though since MT63 needs 
12 seconds to flush the Tx buffer; Contestia has no latency to speak of. 

There was no QRM during the on-air tests so it's hard to say if it can resist 
interference as well as MT63. Being an MFSK mode, it will most likely tolerate 
multi-path and other ionospheric distortion well. 

In terms of high-speed chat modes, Contestia 16/1K is most likely one of the 
best configurations. More to come... 

Tony -K2MO

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