
For those who may be interested in digital modes via space debris, there's a 
group of hams who meet regularly to bounce signals off of those tiny space 
particles that bombard our atmosphere every day. Joe Taylor developed the JT6M 
and FSK441 meteor scatter modes for this purpose.  

Radio meteor rates vary throughout the day with a peak around 6AM and a lul 
around 6PM. They are constatnly raining down leaving ionized trails in their 
wake so it is theoretically possible to work this mode 24/7. 

The VHF "sweet spot" is 50MHz so if you have a 100 watt 6M rig and a decent 
antenna (small Yagi will do) you can work MS. Bigger antennas and higher power 
levels will increase your sucess rate. 

Where we meet : Pingjockey MS sked page --
Software: WSJT --
WSJT User Guide:

The height of the meteor reflections limit the range to approximately 1300 
miles so keep that in mind when making a sked. Also mind the WSJT transmit 
sequence i.e, wich station goes first and which mode is being used when posting 
sked info.  

Hope to see you there... 

Tony -K2MO

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