One slight scoring change in the rules to eliminate a multiply by zero
issue (see below), everything else is as first published.    A few
things to keep in mind...

Remember this is a contest for 11 hours, no required rest time.  It is
ONLY 2 bands, 40M and 20M.  You can work both bands, or just one of
the bands.  However,  there is no "single band" category.

This contest is not likely to be as busy as major RTTY contests, it
will require some patience as you look for contacts.  Having just two
bands will help in this regard by condensing the stations in to easier
to find frequencies.

20M Operation : Traditionally, Olivia on the 20M band is split between
the 14073-14080 range and 14105-14109.  If you are looking for
stations, remember these two areas . Europeans are more often found in
the 14105-14109 range .

40M Operations : Similarly. DX stations on 40M are usually found in
the 7034 to 7040 area.  Some North America stations use 7077 to 7080.
You can use either frequency range if they are authorized by you
country's regulations.  7034 to 7040 is recommended.

Remember that Olivia with 500 bandwidth is the MAXIMUM allowed, do not
use Olivia 1000 (or 2000 !)

Use of DX clusters and similar web based "spotting" pages are allowed.

This contest rewards DX contacts because  stations outside of your
continent serve as multipliers (as well as some stations with low DRCC
numbers) .  Since the contest is only 11 hours long, you may need to
plan the best band to emphasize inter-continental contacts .

Please keep other non-contesters in mind.  Respect PACTOR and ALE
stations that may be close by.  Always "QRL?" if you are selecting a
frequency to call CQ.


January 1 -2008  Olivia Contest

Announcing the Digital Radio Century Club New Year Olivia Contest

Date : January 1 2008

Time : 1300 to 0000Z

Mode. Olivia . Maximum bandwidth 500.
Suggested tones 4, or 8, but all permitted.

Suggested CQ.. "CQ DRCC CQ DRCC"

Bands : 20M and/or 40M ONLY. (suggested frequency range 14073-14080 or
and/or 7034-7040 USB. 7077- 7079)

Class: Single operator low power only
          (under 100 watts)

Spotting:  Use of DX clusters and similar web based "spotting" pages
are allowed.

DRCC members send name and DRCC number.

Non-DRCC members four digit gridsquare

Number of stations worked with DRCC numbers under 100.

Scoring :
5 points each DRCC member contact

1 point each non- DRCC member contact

Stations can be worked once per band

Example ....
K3UK works 55 DRCC stations ,                                      275 points.

K3UK works 20 non-DRCC stations,  20 points

sub-total = 295 Points (275+20)

Of 55 DRCC stations worked, 10 gave
DRCC numbers below 100.

295*10 = 2,950 points

Of 75 QSOs 10 were outside of North America

2,950 * 10 = 29,500 total points.

If you worked NO stations outside of you country do no multiply by
zero , simply omit this calculation, thus you score would be 2950.

(multipliers count PER band, e.g. K3UK DRCC # 001 , work on 40 and 20M
is two multipliers. VK7DX worked by a North American station on 40 and
20M is TWO multipliers)

Submit logs in Cabrillo format to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   by Feb 1 2008.

Results will be posted at

Those who wish to obtain a DRCC number prior to December 31 may do so
by sending a request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ARRL definition of continent boundaries . North America includes
 Greenland (OX) and Panama (HP). South America includes Trinidad &
Tobago (9Y), Aruba (P4), Curacao & Bonaire (PJ2-4) and Easter Island
 (CE0). Oceania includes Minami Torishima (JD1), Philippines (DU),
 Eastern Malaysia (9M6-8) and Indonesia (YB). Asia includes Ogasawara
 Islands (JD1), Maldives (8Q), Socotra Island (7O), Abu Ail Island
(J2/A), Cyprus (5B, ZC4), Eastern Turkey (TA2-9) and Georgia (4L).
 Europe includes the fourth and sixth call areas of Russia (R1-6),
Istanbul (TA1), all Italian islands (I) and Azores (CU). Africa
includes Ceuta & Melilla (EA9), Madeira (CT3), Gan Island (8Q), French
Austral Territory (FT) and Heard Island (VK0). See

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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