While the "digitalradio" sked page will continue, I am switching the
primary recommendation for digital mode "spotting" to Hamspots (
http://www.hamspots.net/).  Laurie VK3AMA  has provided many
innovations to this service in 2009 and plans to add even more in
2010.  The Digitalradio tab on the K3UK Sked Page will remain but will
likely continue its current role of being more a "chat" room for
people trying to test digital modes.  For alerting as to who is "QRV"
and via what mode, Hamspots is better suited, especially now that
there is some integration with PSKreporter.  While the average PSK31
enthusiasts will almost always find someone to have a QSO with, the
original Digitalradio sked page was set-up to help those wanting QSOs
on other digital modes, and to avoid the wrath of DX Cluster sysops
who wanted only "real DX"..  Over the years things have become diluted
as people use a variety of web sites to announce their presence.  It
is my opinion that the digital mode enthusiast will be better served
with a common website where all can go, and reliably catch news of who
is active, and on which band.  The Hamspots and PSkrepoter partnership
seems to be the best site.  For those married to all three, my link to
them all on one page is still available via

Andy K3UK

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