----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Chudek - K0RC 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 11:51 PM
Subject: HAARP echo report

Hello researchers,

I am located in East Central Minnesota (45.4123 N 92.8823 W) and am receiving 
the 6792.5 TX signal up to S-9 level. I have heard the moon echo several times 
for brief periods (10 ~ 15 seconds) with perfect Q5 copy. Many other times it 
is distinguishable but not very strong.

My receiver is a Kenwood TS-950SDX transceiver and I have a variety of 
antennas. The best antenna is the single element 40m Telrex dipole at 65 feet 
above ground. This is a full sized aluminum element approximately 76 feet long 
and is 2.5" diameter in the middle, tapering to 0.5" rods at the ends. It 
resonates at 7040 KHz.

I am recording this session using Audacity and can upload this file to my 
website for your download if desired. I'm not certain what size it will be, 
probably 50-Mb in MP3 format. I started recording at a wide bandwidth (5 KHz) 
but went down to 250 Hz for the best reception. I have a lot of local noise (S9 
+20 dB at wide bandwidth).

At 05:35 I also heard what sounded like Over The Horizon Radar scanning your TX 
frequency. This was 3 or 4 bursts of 20 seconds or so.

In Minnesota the conditions are clear, the moon is bright, it is high in the 
sky (overhead), and the temp is -12 F.

It is 05:44 now while I type this message and I am monitoring the experiment. 
For the past 30 seconds I could not tell the difference between the TX and the 
echo. Audio-wise, they are the same strength out of my speaker. I couldn't not 
see the signal meter from this side of the room.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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