Hello to all,

Thanks to Bonnie, there are two interesting pictures which show a typical 
configuration of the 141A mode (ALE). The pictures don't correspond exactly to 
the last version (4.4.2) but it's 98 % OK. 

The first step is to leave the soft in monitoring on 14109.5 KHz (on the XCVR) 
USB and see the ALE frames (up the band closes). There is now some activity and 
some interest in Europ for this system of modes which is new.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: expeditionradio 
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 5:41 AM
Subject: [multipsk] Multipsk ALE actiivity this week

I would like to encourage all Multipsk users to try ALE 141 this week.
There is a lot of activity now, and this is a really good chance to
get to know more about how ALE works in Multipsk, and link up with
lots of other hams on the air. 

Here are 2 diagrams that may be helpful for using Multipsk with ALE:

73 Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

ALE On The Air Week: 05-15 October

AOTAW (ALE On The Air Week) is an annual International Amateur Radio event
sponsored by HFLINK, a resource for ALE, HF Interoperative
Communications, and
HF Emcomm. Ham radio operators worldwide are invited to participate in
a 10 day
readiness event of ALE HF activity on the air. AOTAW-2007 is an
excellent chance
to explore ALE communications.

Start: 0001 UTC Friday 05 October
End: 2359 UTC Monday 15 October

Thousands of amateur radio operators worldwide have ALE capability
now, using HF
ham transceivers and computers running PCALE software, Multipsk
software, or
commercial ALE HF transceivers adapted to ham radio ALE use. The
gained by operator participation is also useful for HF Emergency /
Relief Communications.

What Is ALE? Automatic Link Establishment. In the hands of a skilled
HF ham
operator, ALE is a force multiplier. With the capability to call up a
HF station, a group of stations, a net, or a networked station, ALE is a
versatile digital calling system for initiating and maintaining QSOs
with SSB
voice, data, text, instant messaging, internet messaging, or image

Each ALE station uses the operator's callsign as the digital address
in the ALE
controller. When not actively in communication with another station, the
transceiver constantly scans through a list of frequencies in multiple
bands, listening for its callsign. To reach a specific station, the
simply enters the callsign just like dialing a phone number, and
transmits a
short digital signal burst. When the distant scanning station detects
the first
few characters of its callsign, it stops scanning and stays on that
The receiving station, which was muted up until now, typically emits
an audible
alarm and visual alert for the receiving operator of the incoming
call. It also
indicates the callsign of the linked station. The two stations' ALE
automatically handshake to confirm that a link is established and they
are ready
to communicate in any mode, such as SSB voice, text or image. All of this
happens quite fast, usually within a few minutes.

A unique ALE Operator Certificate is available to operators who
participate in
AOTAW. To qualify for the certificate, the operator simply completes
at least 5
QSOs through Automatic Link Establishment communications on HF or VHF. The
initial ALE linking QSO can use SSB Voice or "AMD" Text Message (the
text messaging format in all ALE systems). See AOTAW Guidelines and

Additional certificate endorsements are issued to operators who link
with 25
stations or more, or send 2 ALE-SMS text messages through High
Frequency Network
Pilot Stations.

ALE High Frequency Network (HFN)
The HFN Pilot Stations are equipped with scanning ALE transceivers,
antenna systems, and special software control systems for internet
Ham radio ALE users in the field on HF connect with the HFN Pilot
Stations to
exchange digital ALE-SMS text messaging to and from internet devices
such as
cell mobile phones, black berry type devices, PDAs, PCs and laptops.
The free
service includes:
HF-to-Cellphone message
HF-to-email message
HF-to-HF message

All HFN stations automatically exchange signal reports with each other
hour on every HF band, and all this ALE HF activity with signal
reports and
messages is displayed in real time on the web at ALE CHANNEL ZERO:

Organized ALE ham activity began about 6 years ago, when a group of
started working together to experiment with various methods of HF
calling on HF. The need to call up emergency nets or inter-operability and
liaison with government HF systems led many hams to adopt the
government ALE
standard, called FED-STD-1045 or MIL-STD 188-141. This standard caught
on slowly
in the ham community, initiated by a few operators with limited government
surplus gear and some with expensive commercial equipment having
embedded ALE or
hardware controllers. They adapted the system into what has come to be
known as
Ham Friendly ALE, which includes ham-specific programming and use of
in the automatic subbands. Now, with a ham HF transceiver, a computer
as the
controller, and an appropriate antenna system, hams can harness the
power of ALE
using one of the available software ALE controllers.

How to Get Started in ALE
The number of hams with ALE has grown steadily each year. In mid-2007,
when the
ALE HF Network expanded to 24/7 operation, a big increase in daily ALE
was noticed. Some operators are following the traditional ham curiosity to
explore interesting aspects of communications; others are developing
HF nets for Emcomm; many are using it as a propagation tool; others
are just
using ALE for fun, or to keep in touch with a circle of ham friends.
the reason, there's room for everyone.

The AOTAW "ALE QSO Party" in 2006 saw many new ALE calls on the air
around the
world. Some surprisingly good DX ALE contacts were made, despite the
being at
the bottom of the solar cycle. We look forward to another good ALE On
The Air
Week this October 2007.

more information: http://hflink.com
-press release-
-contact: Bonnie Crystal KQ6XA-


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