VOILA!  Before I knew what was happening, I found myself suddenly printing
a CQ on MFTTY from WB4MWD on 3591 around 0200Z.  He had an S4 or
so signal here in Richmond, IN.

Only problem was that he was competing with an RTTY signal who suddenly
appeared on frequency AND...AND...there was this PACTOR MBO that
was a little off frequency giving him competition as well.

Surprising thing...TO ME...was that I was printing his CQ while being pretty
well covered by the RTTY station.  That surprised me.

I didn't answer 'cause I was fumbling trying to reply and then the XYL had
a problem, then...then...  Well, suffice it to say I at least did break the 
for receiving.  Now for the transmit.....

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN  EM79

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