>From the author of "ROS"

"As you know, this mode is being used by ARRL Virginia Section since 5 years 
ago. Thats means que Dan Henderson recognizes that the ARRL has been committing 

For this reason, I ask the dimission of Dan Henderson, N1ND as manager of the 
ARRL. This person can not continue to represent the interests of any amateur 
radio. Their decisions make a mockery of the ARRL at WorlWide. 

Dan Henderson lies when he said that ARRL supports -- as one of the basic 
purposes of Amateur Radio -- the experimentation and advancing the technical 
skills of operators. 

If he had a minimal interest in experimentation he had contacted  first with 
the author of Mode ROS to clarify the technical description. And he never 
wanted to answer my email I sent a few days to make this digital mode.

The way in which the ARRL  thanks to Nino Porcino their work with CHIP64 and 
their use by the ARRL Virginia Section is saying, after 5 years, that his mode 
is illegal.

Dan Henderson, resigns please "

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