--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Dave Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Australia's restrictions on methods of operating rather than modes 
> operating are frustrating though. No phone patches, IRLP only 
recently etc. > 73s,
>       Dave.

Dave, we can run phone patches here, that was approved back in the 
80's. The only proviso was that, as with all telco devices, the phone 
patch device had to be Austel approved. There was a magazine project 
and kit available too. We can run them, we just don't bother.

IRLP was here from very early on. The Blue Mountains node 6000 was 
the first in VK and on air from early 2001. It was also the first 
IRLP node outside of North America. At that time there were only 
about 28 other nodes on air, most of them in Canada, and obviously 
none in ZL. They were not to appear on air for another couple of 
years. Peter VK2YX then set about installing nodes all over the 
country. There was nothing in our regs restricting IRLP, just hams 
resisting new technology. Sounds familiar?

Brad VK2QQ

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