We use MT63 on our wpaNBEMS nets here in Western PA on 3.5835 USB, 1000hz 
center on the waterfall.  Our nets start out on 8/500 Olivia then we transmit a 
1000hz MT63 1k long (64 bit) interleave bulletin.  We stay on MT63 1k long and 
then go for comments since we're in the faster mode.  

We have been using MT63 2k long on 2m and 70cm FM now for about 5 years.  Many 
of our net participants send and receive messages on fm simplex and over 
repeater using nothing more than a laptop and hand held (no direct interface).  
It works amazingly well and will let you  send about 1k per minute (repeater 
timeouts get you right around the 3k mark).  We send detailed messages and 
spreadsheets using NBEMS/FLDIGI and WRAP (checksum) which allows us to transmit 
a bulletin and have an unlimited number of stations simultaneosly receive and 
confirm 100%.

Other than the local stuff on 80m and VHF/UHF, I've not seen much in the way of 
DX'ing with MT63.

-Dave, KB3FXI

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Thomas F. Giella NZ4O" <n...@...> wrote:
> Lately I've been playing around with MT63 at the 500 hz bandwidth. It was 
> just about the only digital mode that I had not experimented with since 
> getting on the digital modes in 2003.
> I've made some contacts around 3584 kc and 14074 kc. The band plans that I 
> see for 20 meters on the internet call for 14109 kc but I've seen no 
> activity there or on any of other band
> The question is where most is the MT63 activity at? Or is there any?
> 73 & GUD DX,
> Thomas F. Giella, NZ4O
> Lakeland, FL, USA
> n...@...
> PODXS 070 Club #349
> Feld Hell Club #141
> 30 Meter Digital Group #691
> Digital Modes Club #1243
> WARC Bands Century Club #222
> NZ4O Amateur & SWL Autobiography: http://www.nz4o.org

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