Dave's help was just what I needed, my thanks to others who
responded. As it happened I had disassembled the unit to take
pictures of both the bottom and top of the circuit board to help
me try to regenerate a schematic, so I was ready to send a picture
immediately upon reading Dave's reply.

73, Al N1AW
Amherst, MA

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Dave wej" <ve3...@...> wrote:
> I have several types here, can you email a picture of the inside for me
> Dave Garber
> VE3WEJ/VE3IE ve3...@... 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Al Woodhull 
>   To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:30 PM
>   Subject: [digitalradio] Old MFJ 1272B TNC/Mic switch circuit or manual?
>   I have an old MFJ 1272B that I bought at a flea market. There have
>   evidently been major changes in the design of units sold under this
>   model number over the years. The manual that is currently available
>   on the MFJ website is not useful for my older one. 

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