Considering the subset of protocols on Rick's list (below) for which 
soundcard-based applications are available, PSK31 comes out on top. 
For keyboard-to-keyboard operations, however, I don't believe that 
absolute spectrum efficiency explains PSK31's stickiness. I suggest  
that the follow three factors are what's responsible for its 

1. the number of QSOs that fit within 3 KHz 

A typical 3 KHz transceiver bandpass enables panoramic soundcard 
software to simultaneously display up to 50 QSOs or calls (though 25 
is a more practical capacity). This is large enough that operators 
often park their transceiver on a single frequency (e.g. 14070) and 
use their software to find ragchew partner, needed DX station, or 
friend with whom a sked has been arranged. As discussed in an earlier 
thread, most soundcard software can then QSY the transceiver to place 
the desired signal at an audio offset optimal for the transmitter's 
bandpass and receiver's filters.

2. speed

At 40 WPM, PSK31 is "fast enough" for most hams.

3. resiliency

Though far from perfect, PSK31 does a reasonable job under adverse 
band conditions. While many DXers still prefer RTTY, more and more 
RTTY DXers maintain a PSK31 capability to work DX stations active in 
this mode (PSK QSOs "count" as RTTY in ARRL DXCC awards). The 
successful use of PSK31 on topband and 80m is another indicator; 
these bands are always blessed with QRM and/or QRN.

You might think that the younger generation of touch-typing hams 
would find PSK31 "too slow". PSK63 provides double the speed, but

a. many keyboard-to-keyboard ops who tried PSK63 reported discomfort 
with their abiity to keep up when transmitting (other than when 
sending and receiving long brag tapes)

b. PSK63 would have cut the 3 KHz "capacity" from 25 to 12 QSOs

Years ago, several of us ably led by Skip KH6TY tried to establish 
PSK63 as an upgrade from PSK31 and a replacement for RTTY. No sale -- 
there just wasn't enough incremental value to trigger a migration. 
Several folks on the DXLab reflector have asked for PSK125 support, 
saying that this mode is on the upswing in Europe. MultiPSK, which 
interoperates well with DXLab, supports PSK125; it will be 
interesting to see how the "much faster, but less robust and fewer 
QSOs in 3 KHz" tradeoff works out.

For keyboard-to-keyboard operations, speed beyond 50 wpm is of 
questionable value and error-free transmission is not an absolute 
requirement because "manual ARQ" is available ("sri OM missed ur name 
pse rpt ur name"). In contrast, message-passing systems require error-
free transmission. For them, higher speed means increased message 
capacity, and panoramic reception is of little value, so wider 
bandwidths do not impede adoption. In other words, they are an 
entirely different kettle of fish -- both in terms of the 
characteristics valued by their users, and the modulation and 
protocol techniques appropriate to their implementation. Comparing 
keyboard-to-keyboard and message-passing protocols on the same axes 
makes no sense.

The point of this post is not "PSK31 is the best keyboard-to-keyboard 
protocol; let's stop trying to invent something better". Rather, its 
to identify the characteristics that have enabled PSK31 to remain so 
dominant despite the subsequent 7-year explosion of new soundcard 
modes triggered by its appearance. The protocol designer looking to 
develop a more attractive alternative to PSK31 for keyboard-to-
keyboard operations should consider focusing on significantly 
increasing QSO capacity within a 3 KHz transceiver bandspread without 
seriously compromising either speed or resiliency. PSK31 first 
appeared at the rather stunted peak of the last sunspot cycle; since 
then, its adoption curve has looked like the inverse of the solar 
flux curve. As we enter the next solar cycle and propagation 
improves, 25 QSOs per band will likely prove insufficient; thus a 
more dense keyboard-to-keyboard mode could displace PSK31 if its 
other important characteristics aren't degraded.

As for the other kettle of fish, I will leave their future to those 
interested in message passing systems. After all the discourse here, 
I trust that they will see the light and provide means to ensure that 
such systems never transmit on busy frequencies.


       Dave, AA6YQ

--- In, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consider that voice SSB requires over 2000 Hz for reasonable 
quality and 
> 2700 Hz would be better. Speaking on the air may be about 120 wpm. 
> figures out to around ~ 20 Hz per wpm, give or take some. For 
> traffic it would be much slower though with more Hz per wpm.
> PSK31 is about the narrowest mode available to communicate at that 
> speed. Even CW may be around the same bandwidth (~ 60 Hz). This 
> enormous numbers of hams to set their dial frequency at one point 
> must move their cursor to read out or even contact or call other 
> PSK31 can be sent at an average speed of around 40 wpm in that 60 
> bandwidth, or 1.5 Hz per wpm. If you only look at throughput per 
> bandwidth you find that if you need high speed, robustness, and 
> accuracy,  nothing can touch Pactor 2 and 3. If you need keyboard 
> then it likely be a different story.
> Scaling different modes, under moderately good conditions and using 
> Patrick's Multipsk information and some averages with ARQ modes 
> KN6KB's RF Footprint Powerpoint:
> Mode                   bandwidth (Hz)   /   speed (wpm)     =     
> Olivia 32/1000 -   1000 / 24 = 42
> ALE MIL-STD-188-141A - 2000 / 76  =  26
> Olivia 16/500 - 500 / 20 = 25
> Olivia 8/1000 1000 / 59 = 17
> FAE = 2000 / 150 = 13
> MT63 1000 / 100 = 10
> 45 Bd RTTY 600 / 60 = 10 (some will consider this narrower and with 
> better score)
> MFSK16 - 316  / 42  = 7.5
> Pactor 1 200 / 600/200 =  3
> ThrobX - 94/40  = 2.3
> DominoEX/11 194 / 77 = 2.5
> PSK31 60 / 40 = 1.5
> Pactor 2 700 / 500 = 1.4
> Pactor 3 2400 / 2225 = 1
> If you adjust some of the numbers for conditions where the S/N is 
> below zero dB, then I think it would change things a bit. Some of 
> numbers are guesstimates so if anyone has other suggested numbers, 
> might be interesting. The main thing is to look at the relative 
> comparison. But we need to keep things in perspective, since all 
> are not equal and a wide footprint mode for keyboarding would be 
> difficult to justify unless it had special abilities to handle 
> conditions as some of these modes have. I could do another SWAG on 
> with say, -5 or -10 S/N.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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