Howdy  Folks:
I've been reading  some great news on guys/gals getting together and forming 
some teams for  the upcoming TARA PSK "Rumble" this coming weekend and that is 
so awesome! I  thought I had better post this information so you all know 
there is some time  limitations with your announcement of taking the TEAM 
"Each team must declare its name or  ID and each of its members names and  
callsigns, at least 24 hours before contest kickoff. You can  add and drop 
members from the Team up until this  dead line. Then the Teams will be frozen. 
These declarations will be posted on  the Results web page along with the teams 
other  declarations.

The team  Gaffer can throw a challenge to another team  indicating that they 
will whip em! Royally in the contest. If  accepted by the other team, this 
challenge will be posted in the team's  declaration on the Results web page. 
winning team will add 100  points to its total and the loosing team subtracts 
100 points. A maximum of 5  teams can be challenged by a single team for a 
total of +/- 500 whip  em! points on the final score. Once the challenge is 
declared, if the  challenged team declines, that challenge cannot be used again 
think carefully before challenging :)"

You can use  this "NEW" easy to use link to DECLARE your team to the World!  
Meaning..."you are ready to RUMBLE!!" 

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