I see that the next running of the Grid Dip is coming up at the end of this week and I just hope we get some favorable band conditions for a change. You know I was looking at last year's scores and I think this might be the hardest year yet for Tony, N3FX, to claim a possible 3rd crown. I think some of you are going to be hunting for him BIG TIME this year. I'll tell ya right now, they'll be in for one heck of a battle! Tony will not go down easily without a hard battle!!
One of the guys in the Grid Dip (and he's in the complete Tour'ney) that I think could really give Tony some fits is YV5AAX. I believe he has a good chance of stepping up a notch to two and possibly taking the title. Then we need to look at VE9DX.  If George were to get into the RTTY Melee in December he too could be one tough customer to beat. What do you say George....you think you could be intersted in the RTTY Melee? You can't count out a big surge by KA7JPR who had a good score last year. Some of those HIGH POWER guys could enter the picture like WX7P or K4HMB! Ah...the possibilities are abundant and I believe this is going to be a great year for not only the Grid Dip but the whole Tour'ney.
You know one of the things I hope for most is that we'll see a lot more of our RTTY friends in this contest. I know that we've been treated extremely well each year by you folks in the RTTY Melee but I hope you'll find some time for this contest too. It's NOT just a PSK contest! In fact, wouldn't it be neat if we could get a challenge going between the 2 modes. Who knows maybe the RTTY guys could teach the PSK'ers a thing or two!! And the same goes for the PSK'ers. Why don't you try doing some RTTY style contesting. There's enough room for both groups and let's have some fun.
You guys that like to go mobile I suggest you review the rules this year for they've changed a bit. We had some input from from a couple of our contest family and as you'll see we're listening. Let's see if we can't get more interest in the ROVER CLASS and you can give Steve, W3HF, a run for his money. You can review the "Grip Dip" rules at:
Okay, that's enough rambling from me. I'm hoping that we'll have ALL of you in the "Grid Dip" on August 6, 2005!
Oh, one more thing. Don't forget to keep a list of the GRID SQUARES you work. TARA has this awesome awards program and if you work enough grids you can apply for a very handsome certificate and it's completely FREE! You can check it out for yourself at:
73 de NY2U "Mr.Bill"

More info at http:///www.obriensweb.com


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