Update on new Digital Voice Mode FDMDV

The new Amateur Radio Digital Voice mode FDMDV, which has a bandwidth of just 
1.1 kHz, seems from initial tests to produce good results.

FDMDV achieves it's very low bandwidth, just 1.1 kHz, by a combination of a low 
sample rate and having no Forward Error Correction (FEC). 

I was initially sceptical of the results that could be achieved but I have been 
impressed with it's performance given the low bandwidth. 

While I still believe the mode would benefit from some FEC, which would 
increase the bandwidth to 1.5 kHz, it none-the-less delivers very good results 
mainly because human speech contains a high level of redundancy (you can miss a 
lot but still understand what's being said). 

This new mode scores from having a low latency. Traditional digital voice modes 
have had a significant delay between you speaking and what you say actually 
being received at the far end due to FEC and Interleaving overheads.

That being said, the delays in tradionally Amateur Radio Digital Voice modes 
have always been far better than that achieved by commercial broadcast radio 
systems. I understand that some BBC trials of DAB receivers showed delays of as 
much as 7 seconds could occur with certain makes of DAB radios.

Cesco HB9TLK is to be congratulated for developing this new mode.

Trevor M5AKA

FDMDV - the page also gives details of FDMDV net times

FDMDV Download also has Usage Documentation v1.0


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