Hello, all (or CQ, if you prefer);

I'm still fairly inexperienced at the whole amateur radio thing - so
far, I have my basic license and a VHF handheld. I'd like to start
exploring digital modes, and am hoping that you might be able to
suggest what sort of rig would work well for that.

I do have two limitations, though; I live in what's effectively a
ground-floor apartment, and am thus limited in what sort of antenna I
can put on my patio; and have a somewhat limited budget - call it
US$500 at the outside, and preferably less, if possible. Given that,
does it seem feasible to start getting involved in this aspect of ham,
or should I focus my attention elsewhere?

Thank you for your time,
Daniel Boese         VA3BOS, FN03ie
"I believe that it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe
that it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe that it
is better to know than be ignorant." - H. L. Mencken

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