And you can go on shortwave from your mobile ... nice



Von: [] Im
Auftrag von John
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009 19:58
Betreff: [digitalradio] Re: Using TS2000, D700A and Sky Command for digital
modes ?



Andy, although I have not tried it with my TS200/TM-D700 combo yet, my
question would be, why not put a dual bander antenna on the TS2000 also in
place of the monobander UHF antenna that you must have to pull this off as
you have stated? Would seem that you could then have the best of both worlds
in the mobile AND at the BASE ...

Keep us posted on your results, should not be any reason you cannot do it as
described, albeit there may be some delays that could cause some digital
issues with FLdigi. Are you planning on any form of ARQ?

John - KE5HAM

--- In digitalradio@ <>, "obrienaj" <andrewob...@...> wrote:
> I am planning on attempting to access a local 2M FM repeater that has
started using FL-digi for a digital mode net. Since I do not have a 2M
antenna at home other than the dual-band 2M/70cm mobile antenna on my car, I
thought I might try the Sky Command capabilities that my rigs have. Anyone
already done this and perhaps have the set-up files that can be shared ? 
> This would involve operating from my shack with PC and Kenwood TS2000 ,
using a UHF simplex frequency to transmit to my vehicle in the drive-way. In
the vehicle a Kenwood D700A would pick up the UHF simplex transmission and
link it to the 2M side of the DM700A for access to the 2M repeater. 
> If someone does have the files all set for this, could you let me know (or
upload to the files section here) , it would save me a lot of manual
searching and eye squinting.
> Andy K3UK

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