Another thing you can do is only ship compiled Python bytecode files. You
can create these files by using the -O or -OO option. In Python 2, this
creates a .pyo file, in Python 3 this creates a .pyc file with opt1 or

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 11:00 AM Dan Ritter <> wrote:

> Tom Luo:
> > Is there any alternative besides docker?
> Yes.
> You can:
>    - set up servers and sell the service of access to your nifty
>      idea rather than shipping code to the users.
>    - ask your users to sign a contract that says that they will
>      not read through the source code or re-use it, because the
>      copyright remains with you.
> -dsr-
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Jerry Feldman <>
Boston Linux and Unix
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