Rich Braun wrote:
> Now that I'm in the market for a new low-power frontend machine, I'm
> at a loss as to how to do my shopping.  Online information is too
> scattered, too old, and too unreliable;

Perhaps this is stating the obvious, but I'd head over to the MythTV
Users list archives and do some data mining in the postings from the
last 6 months. Front-end and back-end hardware recommendations is a
perpetual topic there.

Pick something that you see multiple people both recommending and
claiming to have successfully used themselves.

As long as you don't have some out-of-the-mainstream needs, this should
lead you to a working solution. While DVR usage may be tailing off, the
MythTV Users list is still high volume, and presumably still has a
sizable user base, so there's no reason why you should need to be a
pioneer with new hardware, unless that's something you want to do.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
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