There is a bug in Droppables right now (I have the latest code, and the bug is also present on the Droppables demo page on, where the tolerance : "pointer" isn't working.  I debugged a little and jQuery.iDrop.pointer is using the value of jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.pointer.x and jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.pointer.y whereas and intersect are both using jQuery.iDrag.dragged.dragCfg.nx and ny.  I changed pointer to use nx and ny in my code and that seems to have fixed it.  Just wanted to point that out in case anyone else was seeing this.

Also, and I guess this is directed at Stefan.  Bryan and I have requested to revert the change made so that draggables could be dropped in Sortables because the new version isn't quite working properly (you can go back to that discussion thread to see the problems we had).  I was just wondering if that's going to happen, or if some other change will be made.  As it is right now, I can't really work on my project.

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