I have ul/li/ul... structure and want the text to be underlined, and a
cursor pointer set rather like an href when the mouse moves over the

1. I suppose I could put in an href, and then get an action performed
when I click. I'm sure it can be done - I'm not sure how. It is also not
a very clean solution. 

2. Consider the html code: 
     <li><img src="images/file.gif" /> Item 1.1</span></li>
   I can add a style thusly:
     <li style="cursor: pointer; "><img src="images/file.gif" /> Item 1.1</li>
     But it does not give the required result. If you move the cursor
rightwards from the text, the cursor remains a pointer (FF and IE). 

     On the other hand 

      <li><img src="images/file.gif" /><span style="cursor: pointer; 
text-decoration: underline"> Item 1.1</span></li>
     does give the expected result.

So my question is: How can I do the equivalent in JQuery?



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