Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-09 Thread Nicolai Bentsen
Would love to be there on Oct 18, but guess our company won't find
finances for me to attend after a colleague and I spend two weeks
taking the three interaction classes at Cooper in September.

Enjoy :-)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-09 Thread David Malouf
I'll be there! I'm very excited about this event. I consider it one
of the most important Face2Face events of any local group offering in
quite a long time. The out reach to the ID community is huge and the
timing is great to coincide with Connecting07. 

I'm dragging a lot of people with me as well. Most of motorola will
be there I hope. ;)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-06 Thread dave malouf
Rob, it's called Jump in a cab
Seriously, though ... going is a nice walk down hill through Union
Sq. Going back???
I'm down for the trolley, well probably after some Mel's Diner and
whatever other studio parties are going on that night.

If you are on facebook, maybe you can sign up to the Connecting 07
event that is there (Just found it searching for "connecting"). So
this way we will know who to look for from our IxDA friends.

Or more publicly and alternatively (sorry if this seems a tad
self-promotional), I posted my "itinerary" for Connecting07 on my
blog @ People can leave comments there (a tad
public, I know) about whether they are attending.

Also, I'll be heavily twittering all that week.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-06 Thread kim Lenox
Google map from Fairmont Hotel to C|net:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-05 Thread Rob Tannen
This sounds great - can you provide directions to the event from the
IDSA conference (Fairmont Hotel)?

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[IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] INTERSECTION: Where Industrial and Interaction Design Meet, Oct. 18

2007-10-05 Thread dani malik
We're so excited about this one! Please forward to anyone you think  
might be interested!

IxDA SF presents:

INTERSECTION: Where Interaction and Industrial Design Meet
featuring case studies from Cooper, frog design, Motorola and IDEO

Taking advantage of industrial design presence in San Francisco for  
the ICSID/IDSA Connecting 07 conference, IxDA San Francisco is  
delighted to host an evening of dialog between two closely related  
but often siloed fields: Industrial Design and Interaction Design. On  
October 18 at C|net, we will hear case studies from Cooper, frog  
design, Motorola and IDEO, highlighting the intersection point of the  
two disciplines and the ups and downs of collaboration.

Our presenters:

Dave Cronin, Director of Interaction Design at Cooper
 From the front lines of a product design consultancy, Dave Cronin,  
Director of Interaction Design at Cooper, will recount picaresque  
stories, reveal lessons learned, and explain Cooper’s approach to  
integrating industrial design, interaction design and visual design  
in an attempt to create compelling and effective products.

Jennifer Kilian, Creative Director at frog design
frog design’s client, TurboChef, has been utilizing their Speedcook  
technology in the commercial space for over a decade. Yet  
increasingly, the fast pace of modern life has necessitated the  
introduction of this convenient technology into the home. Our cross- 
functional team of design analysts (researchers, UE strategists and  
interaction designers in one), visual designers, product designers,  
as well as software technologists and mechanical engineers focused  
heavily on harmonizing the form, function, and overall experience of  
the TurboChef Double Wall Speedcook oven. In this presentation  
Jennifer Kilian, Creative Director at frog design, will talk about  
how the cross-functional team at frog designed a new solution for  
TurboChef, bringing their technology into the consumer marketplace.

Gabriel White, former Interaction Design Lead for the Motorola  
Motofone, Principal Designer at frog design
Half the world’s population has no access to mobile phone technology,  
and most of these people live in poor or developing countries. How do  
you design for people with no experience using information  
technology, who are often illiterate, and have only limited  
resources? The Motorola MotoFone is a cell phone designed from the  
ground up for people in developing countries. Researchers,  
interaction designers and industrial designers worked closely to  
define a new phone platform from the ground up, and in doing so  
created a unique product. In this talk Gabriel will discuss how the  
MotoFone was designed, and how the disciplines of interaction design,  
industrial design and research worked together to make this happen.

Danny Stillion, Design Director at IDEO
Beyond the discovery, prototyping and building phases of the typical  
product, storytelling is an important part of design thinking at  
IDEO. IDEO Design Director Danny Stillion will present a case study  
focused on “vision” video work highlighting possibilities for  
wireless devices and interactions that Intel could bring to life with  
partners in the near future. He’ll speak about the close  
collaboration that took place between interaction designers and  
industrial designers as the team focused on storytelling which, in  
this case, was carried out at a high level of fidelity.

Date: Thursday, October 18th, 2007
Location: C|net
CNET Networks Building
235 Second Street
Between Howard and Folsom

6:30 pm – Social Hour with light refreshments
7:00 pm – Presentation

Presented by IxDA-SF and C|net

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