Hi everyone!

As this year we will not be able to give any kind of swag or merchandise in
person, we want to add a virtual "swag bag" for attendees.

We were toying with the idea of offering things from the projects. Like the
instant classic joke of giving free QGIS licenses.

So I want to ask you, as part of FOSS4G projects, if you can send us swags
to offer. Members of projects will know better than us what each project
can offer and how to catch the eye of the attendees.

We would need:
 * An image
 * A catchy phrase
 * Longer description
 * Link, attached file or whatever we are offering. Could be a download
link of the software itself.

You can send me those in private if you don't want to spoil the surprise.

Just offering a free license of $project would be nice, but if you can find
something different or more experimental, we are here to experiment!

Thank you so much,
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