Dear Community!

Today and with this email OSGeo's Conference Committee (CC) publishes
the "call for proposals" for our global FOSS4G event in 2019. As you all
know, it is likely that FOSS4G 2019 will take place in Europe.

If you/your team is interested to participate, please have a deep look
onto our 2019 RfP WIKI page [1].

Please especially internalize the time schedule and ensure that at least
*one* member of your team signs on OSGeo's conference mailing list [2].
This list is the central communication platform that will be used
through the whole RFP process.

For the first stage, we expect a letter of intent (LoI) from every
bidding team (see section on WIKI page [1] and the appropriate section
in the RFP document [3]). The deadline for LoI's is september 29th 2017.

In case of any questions at any time, you may consult CC's mailing list.
Also scroll through the OSGeo-WIKI, you'll find tons of information on
past RFP processes - regarding what others did might be very helpful.

One last important information:

While finalizing the RFP document for 2019 we recognized, that there is
an open motion in CC, that probably will lead to a change in the voting
meachanism on LoI's. This motion ends today, so it overlaps unluckily
with the start of the RFP process.
The *old* voting mechanism, as described in the RFP-document [3],
determines that every CC member has one vote and that all LoI's with a
minimum of 3 votes pass to stage 2.
It is likely that we will change this to a "thumbs up/thumbs down"-vote.
This means, that every member of CC votes on every LoI. LoI's that
receive more than 50% of "thumbs up"-votes will pass stage 1 and are
then requested to prepare a full proposal.
!! Please also note, that this motion only aims on the voting mechanism
for stage 1 and does not touch the final decision process !!

Before I leave you alone with all your work to be done, I can say the
following: Having passed the full process on my own recently, I can
really encourage you to participate. Organizing a global FOSS4G is
probably *some* work, but mostly it is fun! So, don't hesitate, let
become your dream of a FOSS4G in your city true and make the barkeepers
in your town happy ;-) !

So go ahead and have fun!

Till (on behalf of OSGeo's Conference Commttee)


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