[OSGeo-Discuss] The open source geospatial BI components GeoMondrian and Spatialytics are available!

2009-06-15 Thread Thierry Badard


After the release of a new version of its open source spatial ETL tool,
GeoKettle (http://www.geokettle.org) yesterday (please see the
announcement at
for more details), the GeoSOA research group
(http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca) at Laval University, Quebec, Canada is
proud to announce the availibility as new open source projects of
GeoMondrian (http://www.geo-mondrian.org), the first implementation of a
Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) server and Spatialytics
(http://www.spatialytics.org), a lightweight cartographic component
which enables navigation in SOLAP data cubes. GeoKettle, GeoMondrian and
Spatialytics are components of the complete geospatial BI (Business
Intelligence) software stack developed by the GeoSOA research group.


GeoMondrian (http://www.geo-mondrian.org) is a "spatially-enabled"
version of the open source Mondrian OLAP server (also named Pentaho
Analysis Services, http://mondrian.pentaho.org) developed by Pentaho
(http://www.pentaho.com). To make it clear, GeoMondrian is an
implementation of a Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) server. As far as we know, it
is the first implementation of such a server and it is open source!

It adds to Mondrian a Geometry data type, enabling storage of member
properties and measures containing vector geometries (points, lines,
polygons) natively within the data cubes. Some MDX extensions supporting
this data type are also provided. They allow to add spatial analysis
capabilities to the analytical queries.

GeoMondrian provides then a consistent integration of spatial objects
into the OLAP data cube structure, instead of fetching them from an
external spatial DBMS, web service or a GIS file. To summarize,
GeoMondrian brings to the Mondrian OLAP server what PostGIS brings to
the PostgreSQL DBMS, i.e. a consistent and powerful support for
geospatial data!


Spatialytics (http://www.spatialytics.org) is an open source lightweight
cartographic component which enables navigation in Spatial OLAP (SOLAP)
data cubes. It aims to be integrated into existing dashboard frameworks
in order to produce interactive geo-analytical dashboards. Such
dashboards support the decision making process by including the
geospatial dimension in the analysis of enterprise data.

Spatialytics is based on the OpenLayers web mapping client, and uses
olap4j for connection to OLAP data sources. For now, it requires
GeoMondrian, the first implementation of a Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) server,
to be able to display members of a geospatial dimension on a map.

Spatialytics allows then:

 * the connection with a Spatial OLAP server such as GeoMondrian
 * the navigation in the geospatial data cubes
 * and the cartographic representation of some measures and members of a
   geospatial dimension as static or dynamic choropleth maps (for now)

GeoKettle, GeoMondrian and Spatialytics have already been adopted by
some organisations, as for instance by the GeoBI project
(http://www.geobi.org). GeoETL is GeoKettle, GeOLAP is GeoMondrian and
GeoReport will soon benefit from Spatialytics capabilities (a student
funded by the Google Summer of Code 2009 program, under the umbrella of
OSGeo, is currently working on this task at Laval University).

I hope you will enjoy GeoKettle, GeoMondrian and Spatialytics. If you
require more information about these open source geospatial BI
software components, please visit the projects' pages and do not
hesitate to contact us through the mailing lists or directly

Best regards,


Prof. Thierry Badard, Ph.D.

Professeur au Département des sciences géomatiques
Chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Géomatique
Chercheur régulier du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence GEOIDE
Chercheur collaborateur de la chaire de recherche
industrielle en base de données géospatiales décisionnelles
Responsable du projet de formation sur les normes
internationales en géomatique
Administrateur des projets open source GeOxygene et GeoKettle
(http://oxygene-project.sourceforge.net &
Membre votant de la fondation OSGeo

Département des sciences géomatiques
Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique
Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1343
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.: +1.418.656-7116 - Fax: +1.418.656-7411
Courriel : thierry.bad...@scg.ulaval.ca
Web: http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca


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[OSGeo-Discuss] PostGIS 1.4.0 Beta 1

2009-06-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
The PostGIS team is super happy to announce that a beta release of
PostGIS 1.4.0 is now available for download and testing!


The 1.4 series includes a large number of new features, fixes,
speed-ups and mini chocolate chip cookies.

PostGIS 1.4 is best consumed along side helpings of the latest Proj4
and GEOS libraries:


We appreciate all possible testing and feed-back you can provide to
make the upcoming 1.4 release a high quality affair. The sooner we get
feedback, the sooner we can release 1.4.0!

Here are some more details about 1.4:

 - API Stability
   - As of the 1.4 release series, the public API of PostGIS will not
 change during minor releases.

 - Compatibility
   - The versions below are the *minimum* requirements for PostGIS 1.4
   - PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher on all platforms
   - GEOS 3.0 and higher only
   - PROJ4 4.5 and higher only

 - New Features
   - ST_Union() uses high-speed cascaded union when compiled against
 GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey)
   - ST_ContainsProperly() requires GEOS 3.1+
   - ST_Intersects(), ST_Contains(), ST_Within() use high-speed cached
 prepared geometry against GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey)
   - Vastly improved documentation and reference manual
 (Regina Obe & Kevin Neufeld)
   - Figures and diagram examples in the reference manual (Kevin Neufeld)
   - ST_IsValidReason() returns readable explanations for validity
 failures (Paul Ramsey)
   - ST_GeoHash() returns a geohash.org signature for geometries
 (Paul Ramsey)
   - GTK+ multi-platform GUI for shape file loading (Paul Ramsey)
   - ST_LineCrossingDirection() returns crossing directions (Paul Ramsey)
   - ST_LocateBetweenElevations() returns sub-string based on Z-ordinate.
 (Paul Ramsey)
   - Geometry parser returns explicit error message about location of
 syntax errors (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - ST_AsGeoJSON() return JSON formatted geometry (Olivier Courtin)
   - Populate_Geometry_Columns() -- automatically add records to
 geometry_columns for TABLES and VIEWS (Kevin Neufeld)

 - Enhancements
   - Core geometry system moved into independent library, liblwgeom.
 (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - New build system uses PostgreSQL "pgxs" build bootstrapper.
 (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - Debugging framework formalized and simplified. (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - All build-time #defines generated at configure time and placed in
 headers for easier cross-platform support (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - Logging framework formalized and simplified (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - Expanded and more stable support for CIRCULARSTRING,
 COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON, better parsing, wider support
 in functions (Mark Leslie & Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - Improved support for OpenSolaris builds (Paul Ramsey)
   - Improved support for MSVC builds (Mateusz Loskot)
   - Updated KML support (Olivier Courtin)
   - Unit testing framework for liblwgeom (Paul Ramsey)
   - New testing framework to comprehensively exercise every PostGIS
 function (Regine Obe)
   - Performance improvements to all geometry aggregate functions
 (Paul Ramsey)
   - Support for the upcoming PostgreSQL 8.4 (Mark Cave-Ayland, Talha Bin
   - Shp2pgsql and pgsql2shp re-worked to depend on the common
 parsing/unparsing code in liblwgeom (Mark Cave-Ayland)
   - Use of PDF DbLatex to build PDF docs and preliminary instructions
 for build  (Jean David Techer)
   - Automated User documentation build (PDF and HTML) and
 Developer Doxygen Documentation (Kevin Neufeld)
   - Automated build of document images using ImageMagick
 from WKT geometry text files (Kevin Neufeld)
   - More attractive CSS for HTML documentation (Dane Springmeyer)
 - Bug fixes
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Webcasts of First Open Source GIS UK Conference

2009-06-15 Thread Suchith Anand
Dear All,

I am pleased to inform that we are making arrangements for presentations
(Stream 1) of The First Open Source GIS UK Conference on 22nd June
http://www.opensourcegis.org.uk/to be made available as webcasts
after the conference for the benefit of the wider GIS community.  We are
extremely grateful for the excellent support that we received from the
GIS community for this very first open source GIS conference to be held
in the UK. We have 150 delegates from 17 countries (UK, USA, Australia,
Japan, Canada, Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Finland,
Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden and Czech
Republic) registered which make it a truly international event.

Also we are arranging a meeting on 23rd June (10- 12) at CGS with Tyler
Mitchell (Executive Director of Open Source Geospatial Foundation)  to
discuss initiatives and plans for the future. If anyone is interested to
attend the meeting please let me know.

The Second Open Source GIS UK Conference will be held on 21st June 2010
(Monday) at CGS. More details including call for papers will be
announced soon. 

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand

Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
Tel: (0)115 846 8408

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[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2009 Abstract Voting Open

2009-06-15 Thread Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)

FOSS4G 2009
Abstract Voting Open

Sydney, Australia. 15 June 2009.
You can now vote on the papers you'd like to see at FOSS4G 2009! We  
have had over 170 abstract submissions. Have your say on what you  
would like to see at the conference. You can read the abstracts and  
cast your votes for your preferred papers. Voting is open now and  
will close on Sunday 28th June.

To vote follow the link here: http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/
For instructions on how to vote, please refer to the voting page on  
the Conference website or http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/ 
Successful authors will be notified on the 20th of July. A  
preliminary program will be in place by August.

Upcoming FOSS4G milestones

15-28 June 2009, Abstract Voting is Open
31 Jul 2009, Early registration deadline
14 Sep 2009, Completed program available
20 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Workshop
21-23 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
24 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint
Media Sponsors

Position Magazine: http://www.positionmag.com.au/
Asian Surveying and Mapping Newsletter: http://www.asmmag.com
Geoconnexions Magazine: http://www.geoconnexion.com/
Directions Magazine: http://directionsmag.com/
GIS Development: http://gisdevelopment.net/
Baliz Media: http://www.BALIZ-MEDIA.com/
For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G Organising  
Committee, join our announcement list or twitter feed at: http:// 

or contact:
Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and  
Geospatial Systems Architect at LISAsoft

tel +61-2-8570-5050
c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m
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