[Please forward this to any lists/contacts you think will be
interested in FOSS4GNA]

Hi, users and developers of geospatial open source!
If you are planning to speak at FOSS4G-NA, you must submit a
presentation abstract today. Please don't forget! We really want to
hear your stories, tell us about how open source has changed the way
you work.


The conference program is being organized around three tracks:
 * open source technology best practices and tips;
 * deployment case studies; and
 * emerging ideas and trends in open source.

We have space for about 50 presentations and 20 Ignite sessions, so
get your submissions in!
For more information, please visit our site at http://foss4g-na.org/.

Space is limited to 300 attendees only, so you should sign up today to
ensure that you can be a part of this exciting event!

Related Links:
http://foss4g-na.org/registration/ FOSS4G-NA Registration
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/North_America_Regional/ OSGeo North America Chapter
http://www.osgeo.org/ Open Source Geospatial Foundation
http://2012.foss4g.org FOSS4G 2012 - Beijing, China


Paul Ramsey
FOSS4G-NA Conference Chair
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