Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The OGC: clueless, uncaring, and still rocking to Prince.

2013-05-12 Thread Adrian Custer


What a decent mail. Thanks.

All these topics sound good but each is worth its own detailed 
discussion. Some might be fascinating and they would then take a while 
and getting each started productively would be hard. Face to face, it 
might be different: quicker, easier to skip ahead, possible to find the 
interesting bits. Probably, I'd learn a lot. Unlike you, I doubt we 
disagree about that much on the technological side; more likely, we are 
considering different target audiences, with different restrictions, and 
have a different vision of the solution space.

But then, I would rather spend that time elsewhere, like on trying to 
address issues with an existing OGC standard. Also, it would be hard for 
me to figure out effective language in response to so many paragraphs 
starting with the first person pronoun and setting up confrontation 
rather than building room for exploration. So perhaps face-to-face 
someday, where it would be possible to see if we could discuss 
productively, but not now and by text. Thanks for the offer.

The personal offense is minor, not worth dwelling on.

Your vision of the OGC is still puzzling but really I don't care. The 
OGC will make lots of mistakes, write lots of crummy standards, and so 
on. If adopting ESRI's pet standard destroys the OGC and all open 
geospatial standards with it, then so be it; they were too fragile to 
begin with. But I think it won't. Whatever happens, the OGC will 
survive, open standards are still needed, and life will go on.

Ultimately, the OGC is just a bunch of people trying to get a good basis 
for agreement down on paper and then a bunch of organizations voting on 
whatever is produced. The people do their best; the organization vote 
their interests. That kind of setup lives or dies by the quality of the 
people in it. Thankfully there are some good people so there is some 
stuff of good quality in the mix.

So, to the crux of your vent, it actually turns out that many are aware 
of most of the issues you mention, and several are actually trying to 
address them. So before throwing out some solution and spewing about why 
the OGC hasn't adopted it already, it might be more productive to ask: 
'hey this problem seems kind obvious to me, have you all seen it and 
figured out how to tackle it?' Then, it might even turn out that there 
is work being done at the OGC, at a particular scale and pace due to the 
circumstances of that work. But the 'someone should do something the way 
I want it done already' doesn't really work in much of the world I have 

hoping our paths do cross someday,


On 5/12/13 10:45 PM, rburhum wrote:

Dear Adrian,

I recently saw a reply that you made to a blog post I wrote recently.
Although the criticism were meant to be directed to the *OGC* as an
*organization*, I can tell by your comments, descriptions and overall tone,
that you felt *personally* attacked and offended. You have my sincere
apologies if you felt that way. This was never meant to be a personal

I would be happy to elaborate, with far more detail, each single one of my
comments/points. We can do this either publicly or in a private e-mail
exchange (whatever you feel is best).

Based on your responses though, I have to admit that we have fundamental
disagreements in several aspects – and some serious ones at that.

- I would be happy to discuss XML vs JSON vs MessagePack conversations and
why the first of those is (lately) not adopted by any modern API. JSON is
the real winnder nowadays (for good reasons). In terms of serialization
frameworks, MessagePack has implementations in
I dare to say it is “somewhat” supported.

- I would be happy to discuss why security is more than certificate exchange
or username/password submission during requests.

- I would be happy to discuss why complexity of specifications hinders
adoption.  There are technical reasons why geojson and mbtiles are gaining
traction without much effort and GML is not. (Much love to all my friends
that were involved with GML – I apologize if this offends you).

- I would be happy to discuss why I think SQL (SQL:1999, or SQL:2003, or
SQL:2008 or SQL:2011) is a better choice for an API than a full fledged OGC
query language that tries to abstract querying. As a side comment, you are
correct at thinking that my reasoning here came from experience. Around 10
years ago I was sitting at my ESRI office and a co-worker came into the
office and asked me for help since he was in charge of implementing one of
the OGC WFS version specs. The nicest thing that I can tell you is that “it
was painful and unreasonable in many regards” and that it ended up requiring
to hire an “OGC consultant” to try to implement the spec as close as
possible (to *explain* – not to implement)

- I would be happy to accept the fact that OGC does no

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The OGC: clueless, uncaring, and still rocking to Prince.

2013-05-12 Thread rburhum
Dear Adrian,

I recently saw a reply that you made to a blog post I wrote recently.
Although the criticism were meant to be directed to the *OGC* as an
*organization*, I can tell by your comments, descriptions and overall tone,
that you felt *personally* attacked and offended. You have my sincere
apologies if you felt that way. This was never meant to be a personal

I would be happy to elaborate, with far more detail, each single one of my
comments/points. We can do this either publicly or in a private e-mail
exchange (whatever you feel is best). 

Based on your responses though, I have to admit that we have fundamental
disagreements in several aspects – and some serious ones at that.
- I would be happy to discuss XML vs JSON vs MessagePack conversations and
why the first of those is (lately) not adopted by any modern API. JSON is
the real winnder nowadays (for good reasons). In terms of serialization
frameworks, MessagePack has implementations in
I dare to say it is “somewhat” supported.

- I would be happy to discuss why security is more than certificate exchange
or username/password submission during requests.

- I would be happy to discuss why complexity of specifications hinders
adoption.  There are technical reasons why geojson and mbtiles are gaining
traction without much effort and GML is not. (Much love to all my friends
that were involved with GML – I apologize if this offends you).

- I would be happy to discuss why I think SQL (SQL:1999, or SQL:2003, or
SQL:2008 or SQL:2011) is a better choice for an API than a full fledged OGC
query language that tries to abstract querying. As a side comment, you are
correct at thinking that my reasoning here came from experience. Around 10
years ago I was sitting at my ESRI office and a co-worker came into the
office and asked me for help since he was in charge of implementing one of
the OGC WFS version specs. The nicest thing that I can tell you is that “it
was painful and unreasonable in many regards” and that it ended up requiring
to hire an “OGC consultant” to try to implement the spec as close as
possible (to *explain* – not to implement) 

- I would be happy to accept the fact that OGC does not have “reference
implementations”. That is, of course, as soon as the OGC itself stops using
that those terms. I think there was a misunderstanding with the reference
implementation licensing comment. Let me just say that there is plenty of
Open Source that is BSD or Apache licensed (for example, AFAIK, *everything*
from the Apache Foundation
But please, let’s leave licensing talks for the end.

- I would be happy to explain the different between a stateful and a
stateless architecture and why websockets are a paradigm shift for the web.
If you want to implement the same concepts of a spec without “being tied to
the web” or “web browsers” feel free to take “web” out of “websockets” and
just use sockets. The same stateful vs stateless architecture argument

- I would be happy to explain why SPDY is not “another protocol” but one of
the inspirations/guides for httpv2. We are still talking http here.

- I would be happy to explain WebSQL even though it died. Why you may ask?
Because there was only one implementation of the standard (sqlite) and the
standards organization (W3C) refused to make it a standard without a
competing implementation. I hope the irony of this situation doesn’t escape

- I would be happy to explain why the OGC doesn’t have to fully re-invent
the wheel when it comes down implementing a Spatial DVCS. The fact that it
is “spatial” doesn’t mean it needs to be completely different. I would talk
to the GeoCouch guys that have a perfectly good replication model that works
or would also look at things like Git, Mercurial, PostgreSQL, MySQL or even
the ESRI Versioning and replication system. Replication/versioning is a
solved problem. We just don’t have a *standard* that defines how everyone
should implement it. Ironically, I can point out a couple of OGC members
that are experts in this field.

- I would be happy to explain why perhaps, after all these years, it is time
to stop ignoring temporal datasets and addressing some of the not so “low
hanging fruit”.

- I would thank you for calling me young! Although I am not sure I am
confused all the time. Well, perhaps 70% of the time I am! 

In all honesty, I have to admit though, the original post was written as a
quick reaction to another set of e-mails I received in regards to some OGC
decisions as of late. 

The truth is that, until last week, I equated the OGC as a standards body
that was meant to be equivalent to the W3C (except, of course, for GIS).
Sadly, this also means that I would expect a similar behavior/quality of
decisions from the OGC (maybe this is a mistake on my part?). If you look at
the worki

[OSGeo-Discuss] Last chance to reject "Geoservices REST API" standard

2013-05-12 Thread Cameron Shorter
Next Wednesday, the OSGeo Board will deliver an Open Letter to the OGC 
and OGC voting members, with multiple signatures, demonstrating the 
large number of people concerned about the negative consequences 
associated with making the "Geoservices REST API" an OGC standard.

The "GeoServices REST API" was initially developed by ESRI and 
implemented on the ArcGIS Server platform before going through the OGC 
process. It significantly overlaps with OGC's existing W*S services, but 
isn't based upon these existing standards. Consequently, we have grave 
concerns that the two competing sets of standards, which essentially 
cover the same use cases, will have far reaching, detrimental impacts on 
interoperability, complexity, and costs within the spatial industry, 
including being bad for Geospatial Open Source software.

Many people, including leaders of OSGeo and related communities, have 
already signed this letter. Thankyou. If you agree that "Geoservices 
REST API" will be bad for OSGeo and/or the greater spatial community, 
then please help us deliver this concern to OGC voters before they vote. 
Add your signature to the Open Letter [1] before we deliver it on 
Wednesday 15 May 2013, and forward this message onto other OSGeo 
communities. (I notice that messages from this thread are being 
forwarded to the Spanish OSGeo email list. Thankyou.)

If you are looking for a deep analysis of the issues, I suggest reading 
the open letter which is now draft complete [1].


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] The OGC: clueless, uncaring, and still rocking to Prince.

2013-05-12 Thread Adrian Custer

Hey all,

One of you probably has some clue who this character is who spews forth
his "The OGC is Stuck in 1999" the OSGeo planet. If so, you might 
forwards this his way , if you feel he'd appreciate someone's reaction 
to his rant.

Mr. Geo-preneur,

Back in the early days of computer networking, we used to have these
things called 'names' and other things called 'addresses' which used to
be very helpful to help us interact. I discover, in the modern way of
following links through to your 'blog' and your 'about me' page, that
you have moved on from such primitive forms of being to things like
'twits' and 'inlinks'. Unable to deal with such modern ways and stuck on
the wrong side of those pesky login screens, I cast this out to the
community hoping it may float your way.

Lovely rant this, your "The OGC is Stuck in 1999;" a classic spew. Too
bad, really, because there are some nice links in there, a good video,
some ideas worth hashing out, and other goodness. But the overall tone,
nay shit-spew, reads like the ejection of a twelve year old, full of
energy, naive, and not really old enough to carry a discussion. As a
result, since you are pissing on my work without so much as asking what
is going on, I'll assume this mail will only serve to teach me something
and therefore, I'll write my reaction not addressed to you but rather
to, and for, myself.

You are surely full of knowledge, enthusiasm, and good intent. Perhaps, 
if we ever meet, we will find the similarities that link us. Until then, 
thanks for the useful stuff in your post; I'll now try to extract that 
from the rest of your text.

So Adrian, what's in this thing?

Standards should be written for the future – not the present

Lovely reminder of Dan's wise rebuke, back at the bar counter in
Berkeley, or maybe Albany: "Adrian, you keep using that word 'should.'
There's no 'should.' There's only what there is and what you are going 
to work really, really hard to make happen."

"an unecessary ... bureaucracy ... that is truly killing innovation"

This non-sequitur I can ignore since there is actually little
inefficiency in the adoption of standards. I can ignore the conclusion
since the lack of innovation is not because it is killed by the OGC.
Produced as a throw away sentence; I'll consume it by tossing it away.

OGC is making "standards" that are ...

Okay that's a core critique, well except for the 'whole bunch of
protocols' which is probably at the wrong level of the networking stack,
a confusion that comes back later.

  * outdated:
  => cheap criticism, no content, move on. And what 'standards' are
 we really talking about? Those that are outdated perhaps.

  * overly complicated:
  => indeed, which gave rise to the whole modularization push at the
 OGC currently. Good, that still seems like the right track.

  * reference implementation:
  => no such thing in reality, despite the name being used. Luis B.
 really needs to grok the confusion generated by the testing
 group's misuse of the 'reference implementation' meme. That was
 a real victory of the commercial folk over the best interests
 of the community at large.

  * a whole bunch of protocols:
  => this confusion is key. The specs were never really trying to
 define "protocols". We probably have done it for the open web,
 essentially by focusing on the lowest common denominator
 system of exchange system, but that was probably not our
 intent. Now, we should really be pushing for experimentation
 and encouraging the successes to land as additional
 communication options. Of course, this is the whole point of
 the modularization push, so we are on the right way forwards
 for that too. Still, there's something there that needs to be
 clarified to ourselves and to the public at large.

So it looks like there needs to be some clarification. Probably we need
some kind of, 'What the OGC is up to these years' since the young
probably don't have the generous impulse 'whatever they are up to
perhaps they are making progress and doing good work, we should ask
before assuming the worst'.

XML Datastores were all the academic hype back in the day ...

That's cool to think about; and about the fatal tendency of standards
writers chasing the latest hotness. Makes me wonder again of that
Semnatic Web, and will it ever fly or, if not, why not. And, of course,
it clashes directly with the 'write for the future' thread: yep, that's 
a tension in this line of work.

Filters === SQL === XPath !?

That sounds like it comes from experience. I don't get it but certainly
recognize the complexity is huge. Passing SQL queries as a solution?
Well that certainly violates to the 'don't impose an implementation.'
Perhaps that's just facing reality that they all *are* SQL databases. 
What of nosql, though? Well, this is out of my realm of expertise but I 
can se