Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Short report on OpenGIS-Moscow

2015-11-30 Thread Cameron Shorter

Hi Jeff and others,
Good news to hear about the success of the Moscow event. I'm 
particularly interested to hear more about
"their prime minister has signed a law that requires government agencies 
to use Open Source software, which must be in place by January 2016".

Is there an authoritative link that we can reference from

On 1/12/2015 8:32 am, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hello everyone,

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the OpenGIS conference in 
Moscow, Russia (  The venue was really nice, the 
huge headquarters of Group (, Moscow's largest 
hi-tech company (2000 employees I believe), who in fact just purchased 
an OpenStreetMap-based mapping application, MAPS.ME (

Much of the credit for the event must go to Maxim, the chair, and his 
company NextGIS (, who sponsored and dedicated so 
much effort; the entire organizing committee deserves much praise, and 
you likely will recognize many of them from past FOSS4G events 

Roughly 415 attendees for the second OpenGIS event (the first was held 
in 2012, with around 100 attendees) which is just excellent. This was 
a free event, meaning no admission charge, and attendees paid for 
their lunches in the local cafeteria.  There were 2 tracks, one for 
FOSS4G software and the other for OpenStreetMap; OSM is very active 
here, and many will be aware of the locally-developed "OsmAnd" 

The topics and talks were cutting-edge, this was a very knowledgeable 
group, and very interested in the OSGeo foundation. There was quite a 
buzz at the event, and I saw packed workshop "master classes" for 
GRASS, QGIS, and other core projects, and everyone was very 
energetic.  There were many talks that mentioned their involvement in 
GeoForAll as well, I couldn't be more impressed with their enthusiasm 
and passion for Open Source geo.

Also of note is that like many other countries/municipalities across 
the globe, their prime minister has signed a law that requires 
government agencies to use Open Source software, which must be in 
place by January 2016, so there is a huge interested in FOSS.

Many will also be interested to hear that there is already talk of an 
event for next year, in beautiful St. Petersburg.  So mark your 
calendars!  You don't want to miss that event.

It was a special trip, I met so many vibrant energetic community 
leaders.  And oh yes, because of this event a new OSGeo local chapter 
is forming there, which is great!!!  Thank you to Maxim, Nikolai, the 
OSGeo Board, and everyone at the OpenGIS event for making this such a 
special trip.

You can see many pictures of the event here:


Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W,  F +61 2 9009 5099

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016

2015-11-30 Thread Cameron Shorter

Has someone proposed an OSGeo-Live presentation at FOSDEM?
I can't see it listed here [1].

We find that variants on the OSGeo-Live presentation [1] are regularly 
presented by members of the OSGeo community wanting to provide a high 
level overview of OSGeo. It is often presented by members of the 
organising committee.

Do we have any volunteers to present OSGeo-Live at FOSDEM 2016?

Johan, I think you were looking at a dev-room. Was that involving 
OSGeo-Live in some way?


On 30/11/2015 7:22 pm, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

Hi All,

this is a gentle reminder that the deadline for talk proposals is 
tomorrow, **1st December 2015**.

Looking forward to see your contributions.

Thank you and best regards,

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Johan Van de Wauw>> wrote:

Please forward!

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event bringing together about 5000
developers in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open source
software developers and communities a place to meet and share
thoughts. The participation is free of charge, although donations are
welcome. The next edition will take place the last weekend ofJanuary
30 - 31 2016. This year for the second time there will be a Geospatial
devroomon Sunday 31/1/2016, organised by members of the OSGeo,
Locationtech and OpenStreetMap communities.

Geospatial technology is becoming rapidly mainstream. The idea
underpinning the geospatial devroom is bringing together developers
with different backgrounds to disclosethe opportunities offered by
cutting-edge open source geospatial technologies. Due to the success
of last years devroom, a Belgium local chapter of OSGeo, was
founded, and is now taking part of the organisation of the devroom as
driving community.

The Geospatial devroom is the place to talk about the state of the art
of open, geo-related data, free and open source geospatial software
and its ecosystem. This includes standards and tools, e.g. spatial
databases, online mapping tools, geospatial services, used for
collecting, storing, delivering, analysing, and visualizing geodata.
We welcome submissions about:

* Web and desktop GIS applications
* Interoperable geospatial web services and specifications
* Collection of data using sensors/drones/satellites
* Open hardware for geospatial applications
* Geo-analytic algorithms/libraries
* Geospatial extensions for classical databases (indexes, operations)
and dedicated databases
* Collaborative editing/versioning of geodata
* Big geodata, scalable GIS applications
* Volunteered Geograpic information - Crowdsourced data


Are you thrilled to present your work to other open source developers?
Would you like to run a discussion? Any other ideas? Please submit
your proposal using the Pentabarf event planning tool at:

Make sure to select the 'Geospatial devroom' as  'Track'. Please,
specify in the notes if you prefer for your presentation either a
short timeslot (lightning talks ~10 minutes) or along timeslot (20
minutes presentation + discussion). However, note that time slots are
indicative and will be assigned according to the needs of the session.

The DEADLINE for submissions is Tuesday **1st December 2015**.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the Authors by Friday
11/12/2015 at the latest.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with the organisers of the devroom at

Johan Van de Wauw
Margherita Di Leo
Astrid Emde
Anne Ghisla
Martin Hammitzsch
Andy Petrella
Dirk Frigne
Olivier Courtin
Thomas Gratier
Discuss mailing list

Margherita Di Leo

Discuss mailing list

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W,  F +61 2 9009 5099

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Short report on OpenGIS-Moscow

2015-11-30 Thread Jeff McKenna

Hello everyone,

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the OpenGIS conference in 
Moscow, Russia (  The venue was really nice, the huge 
headquarters of Group (, Moscow's largest 
hi-tech company (2000 employees I believe), who in fact just purchased 
an OpenStreetMap-based mapping application, MAPS.ME (

Much of the credit for the event must go to Maxim, the chair, and his 
company NextGIS (, who sponsored and dedicated so 
much effort; the entire organizing committee deserves much praise, and 
you likely will recognize many of them from past FOSS4G events 

Roughly 415 attendees for the second OpenGIS event (the first was held 
in 2012, with around 100 attendees) which is just excellent.  This was a 
free event, meaning no admission charge, and attendees paid for their 
lunches in the local cafeteria.  There were 2 tracks, one for FOSS4G 
software and the other for OpenStreetMap; OSM is very active here, and 
many will be aware of the locally-developed "OsmAnd" application.

The topics and talks were cutting-edge, this was a very knowledgeable 
group, and very interested in the OSGeo foundation.  There was quite a 
buzz at the event, and I saw packed workshop "master classes" for GRASS, 
QGIS, and other core projects, and everyone was very energetic.  There 
were many talks that mentioned their involvement in GeoForAll as well, I 
couldn't be more impressed with their enthusiasm and passion for Open 
Source geo.

Also of note is that like many other countries/municipalities across the 
globe, their prime minister has signed a law that requires government 
agencies to use Open Source software, which must be in place by January 
2016, so there is a huge interested in FOSS.

Many will also be interested to hear that there is already talk of an 
event for next year, in beautiful St. Petersburg.  So mark your 
calendars!  You don't want to miss that event.

It was a special trip, I met so many vibrant energetic community 
leaders.  And oh yes, because of this event a new OSGeo local chapter is 
forming there, which is great!!!  Thank you to Maxim, Nikolai, the OSGeo 
Board, and everyone at the OpenGIS event for making this such a special 

You can see many pictures of the event here:


Jeff McKenna
President, OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Semantic Mediawiki based OSGeo Member Map for the OSGeo Wiki

2015-11-30 Thread Christian Willmes

I am now about half way through the Advocates profiles.

If you look at the Advocate Page [1], all profiles above 
"Europe:Netherlands" are now "on the map", or have some structured data 
to appear in the query result.

I added just data that was available from the user: pages, and if no 
coordinates were available I gecoded the address or just city center. 
Please check and correct my possible copy&paste errors on your profile.

I would not mind if some of you would care to structure their user data 
by them self. ;)
But Ok, I did not really documented it yet, so I will proceed tomorrow 
evening (CET) with the next profiles...

@Cameron: I adjusted the zoom level for the maps according your comment.



On 30.11.2015 20:47, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Hi Christian,
Thanks for all you are doing, and for updating profiles. I think I might
have caught you mid update, because there are a number of profiles which
seem to be half converted.

For the record, I've reviewed many people's profiles, (typically
correcting English, or trimming to fit within the template formula).
After notifying people of the updates I made, I haven't received any
complaints, and have received many thanks. So I think you are reasonably
safe in helping everyone as you are doing.

One comment on the map.
I notice that the zoom level is set to about a city zoom level. I
suggest it would be better to zoom to a world level, or maybe 1/4 of a

The main readers of this page will be looking for "Who is living near my
conference", and it is easier to recognise a world view rather than a
city view.

Thanks Cameron

On 30/11/2015 11:15 pm, Christian Willmes wrote:

OK, I will do this changes now.
You will probably get email notifications of changes to your profiles.
Just revert them, if you don't like the changes.


Am 30.11.2015 um 11:11 schrieb Christian Willmes:


just to explain this a bit more.

Here [1], I included the Advocate Table, Map and new directory list,
generated from querying the strucutred data. You can see, that the
current Advocate Page messes up the SMW structured data. Because I
configured the model that SMW handles one page containing
[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]] as one OSGeo Advocate entity.

Currently the Advocate Directory [2] includes the data (markup) from
the included User: profiles, that are containing coordinates,
addresses, email, etc..

If it is ok, I will remove the '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' string
from the current Advocate directory page [2]. This will clean the
current mess in the SMW generated lists/tables/maps.



Am 29.11.2015 um 21:06 schrieb Christian Willmes:


I implemented most of the feedback. Some issues are still open [0],
I will take care of them soon.

To roll the Advocate list out, I need to remove the User page
includes from the current Advocate directory [1], and each
Advocate's User: page needs to be edited, with the following two steps:

1. Include  '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' on the User: page

2. Edit the User: page with this [2] Form and enter the according
structured data. (got to the link enter 'User:' into
the input box and click on 'create or edit'.)

I can do this... but maybe people are sensitive about their own
territory (i.e. their own user: page) in the wiki, so I was unsure
about that?

Next, the User: page includes ({{User:}}) on the Advocate
directory [1] need to be removed, and replaced by the new directory,
table and map from SMW query.

See here [3] and here [4] how these directory, table and map look
like on the test wiki (if you look at the markup/source you can see
how the list, table and maps are included.).

Please also provide further feedback, on things like layout and
additional features etc. You can tell me directly, or file an issue
on the github repository [0].



On 25.11.2015 23:18, Christian Willmes wrote:

Thank you for your very good Feedback Cameron and Jorge!

I created your feedback points as issues for the OSGeo Wiki SMW model
repository [1]. So you can track the progress, some of them are a bit
tricky, I think I will need some days. I plan to add the changes
the coming weekend into the OSGeo wiki.

Some answers to questions or feedback, I did not implemented
already or
created an issue on github for, are inline below.

On 25.11.2015 12:05, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I wasn't able to test entering data on the page. (I assume the wiki
hasn't been set up for that).

Yes account creation is disabled, if you want an account for testing I
can set one up and send the credenti

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Semantic Mediawiki based OSGeo Member Map for the OSGeo Wiki

2015-11-30 Thread Cameron Shorter

Hi Christian,
Thanks for all you are doing, and for updating profiles. I think I might 
have caught you mid update, because there are a number of profiles which 
seem to be half converted.

For the record, I've reviewed many people's profiles, (typically 
correcting English, or trimming to fit within the template formula). 
After notifying people of the updates I made, I haven't received any 
complaints, and have received many thanks. So I think you are reasonably 
safe in helping everyone as you are doing.

One comment on the map.
I notice that the zoom level is set to about a city zoom level. I 
suggest it would be better to zoom to a world level, or maybe 1/4 of a 

The main readers of this page will be looking for "Who is living near my 
conference", and it is easier to recognise a world view rather than a 
city view.

Thanks Cameron

On 30/11/2015 11:15 pm, Christian Willmes wrote:

OK, I will do this changes now.
You will probably get email notifications of changes to your profiles.
Just revert them, if you don't like the changes.


Am 30.11.2015 um 11:11 schrieb Christian Willmes:


just to explain this a bit more.

Here [1], I included the Advocate Table, Map and new directory list, 
generated from querying the strucutred data. You can see, that the 
current Advocate Page messes up the SMW structured data. Because I 
configured the model that SMW handles one page containing 
[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]] as one OSGeo Advocate entity.

Currently the Advocate Directory [2] includes the data (markup) from 
the included User: profiles, that are containing coordinates, 
addresses, email, etc..

If it is ok, I will remove the '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' string 
from the current Advocate directory page [2]. This will clean the 
current mess in the SMW generated lists/tables/maps.



Am 29.11.2015 um 21:06 schrieb Christian Willmes:


I implemented most of the feedback. Some issues are still open [0], 
I will take care of them soon.

To roll the Advocate list out, I need to remove the User page 
includes from the current Advocate directory [1], and each 
Advocate's User: page needs to be edited, with the following two steps:

1. Include  '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' on the User: page

2. Edit the User: page with this [2] Form and enter the according 
structured data. (got to the link enter 'User:' into 
the input box and click on 'create or edit'.)

I can do this... but maybe people are sensitive about their own 
territory (i.e. their own user: page) in the wiki, so I was unsure 
about that?

Next, the User: page includes ({{User:}}) on the Advocate 
directory [1] need to be removed, and replaced by the new directory, 
table and map from SMW query.

See here [3] and here [4] how these directory, table and map look 
like on the test wiki (if you look at the markup/source you can see 
how the list, table and maps are included.).

Please also provide further feedback, on things like layout and 
additional features etc. You can tell me directly, or file an issue 
on the github repository [0].



On 25.11.2015 23:18, Christian Willmes wrote:

Thank you for your very good Feedback Cameron and Jorge!

I created your feedback points as issues for the OSGeo Wiki SMW model
repository [1]. So you can track the progress, some of them are a bit
tricky, I think I will need some days. I plan to add the changes 

the coming weekend into the OSGeo wiki.

Some answers to questions or feedback, I did not implemented 
already or

created an issue on github for, are inline below.

On 25.11.2015 12:05, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I wasn't able to test entering data on the page. (I assume the wiki
hasn't been set up for that).

Yes account creation is disabled, if you want an account for testing I
can set one up and send the credentials of list.

We should be careful about helping people protect their personal 
Re address, I'd err on not collecting Street address, probably 
just City

and Country.

The field is optional. Maybe someone want to give the address of his
work place?

Is it possible to apply address validation to check for spelling 

Interesting, but I don't know any implementation for this problem for

On 25/11/2015 8:21 am, Jorge Sanz wrote:

And I guess the last update info can be retrieved directly from the
history of the page if needed.

This one is quite tricky, because I have to find out how to trigger an
update of the members data from a users (unrelated) activity on the
wiki. It should be possible dynamically through the API, but I'

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Starting the build process for OSGeo-Live 9.5

2015-11-30 Thread Ari Jolma

22.11.2015, 21:18, Cameron Shorter kirjoitti:
We are starting the build cycle for version 9.5 of the OSGeo-Live [1] 
DVD/USB/VM which will be released in March 2016, ready for several 
special events, including FOSS4G-NA, FOSSGIS (Salzburg, Austria), 
among others.

We would like to hear from anyone wishing to add new projects to 
OSGeo-Live, anyone wishing to extend or add translations, or anyone 
who has ideas on how we should shape the upcoming release.

I would like to see the Perl bindings of GDAL in the OSGeo-Live. At 
least in 9.0 they are not installed.

Best regards,


Key Milestones
11 Jan 2016 All new applications installed, most old applications updated
01 Feb 2016 Feature Freeze (all apps updated)
15 Feb 2016 User Acceptance Test (all apps installed and working)
21 Mar 2016 Final ISO sent to printers

About OSGeo-Live
OSGeo-live is a Lubuntu based distribution of Geospatial Open Source 
Software, available via a Live DVD, Virtual Machine and USB. You can 
use OSGeo-Live to try a wide variety of open source geospatial 
software without installing anything.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Semantic Mediawiki based OSGeo Member Map for the OSGeo Wiki

2015-11-30 Thread Christian Willmes

OK, I will do this changes now.
You will probably get email notifications of changes to your profiles.
Just revert them, if you don't like the changes.


Am 30.11.2015 um 11:11 schrieb Christian Willmes:


just to explain this a bit more.

Here [1], I included the Advocate Table, Map and new directory list, 
generated from querying the strucutred data. You can see, that the 
current Advocate Page messes up the SMW structured data. Because I 
configured the model that SMW handles one page containing 
[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]] as one OSGeo Advocate entity.

Currently the Advocate Directory [2] includes the data (markup) from 
the included User: profiles, that are containing coordinates, 
addresses, email, etc..

If it is ok, I will remove the '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' string 
from the current Advocate directory page [2]. This will clean the 
current mess in the SMW generated lists/tables/maps.



Am 29.11.2015 um 21:06 schrieb Christian Willmes:


I implemented most of the feedback. Some issues are still open [0], I 
will take care of them soon.

To roll the Advocate list out, I need to remove the User page 
includes from the current Advocate directory [1], and each Advocate's 
User: page needs to be edited, with the following two steps:

1. Include  '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' on the User: page

2. Edit the User: page with this [2] Form and enter the according 
structured data. (got to the link enter 'User:' into 
the input box and click on 'create or edit'.)

I can do this... but maybe people are sensitive about their own 
territory (i.e. their own user: page) in the wiki, so I was unsure 
about that?

Next, the User: page includes ({{User:}}) on the Advocate 
directory [1] need to be removed, and replaced by the new directory, 
table and map from SMW query.

See here [3] and here [4] how these directory, table and map look 
like on the test wiki (if you look at the markup/source you can see 
how the list, table and maps are included.).

Please also provide further feedback, on things like layout and 
additional features etc. You can tell me directly, or file an issue 
on the github repository [0].



On 25.11.2015 23:18, Christian Willmes wrote:

Thank you for your very good Feedback Cameron and Jorge!

I created your feedback points as issues for the OSGeo Wiki SMW model
repository [1]. So you can track the progress, some of them are a bit
tricky, I think I will need some days. I plan to add the changes during
the coming weekend into the OSGeo wiki.

Some answers to questions or feedback, I did not implemented already or
created an issue on github for, are inline below.

On 25.11.2015 12:05, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I wasn't able to test entering data on the page. (I assume the wiki
hasn't been set up for that).

Yes account creation is disabled, if you want an account for testing I
can set one up and send the credentials of list.

We should be careful about helping people protect their personal 
Re address, I'd err on not collecting Street address, probably just 

and Country.

The field is optional. Maybe someone want to give the address of his
work place?

Is it possible to apply address validation to check for spelling 

Interesting, but I don't know any implementation for this problem for

On 25/11/2015 8:21 am, Jorge Sanz wrote:

And I guess the last update info can be retrieved directly from the
history of the page if needed.

This one is quite tricky, because I have to find out how to trigger an
update of the members data from a users (unrelated) activity on the
wiki. It should be possible dynamically through the API, but I'm not
100% sure yet on how to do it.


Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Christian Willmes   
AG GIS & Fernerkundung  | GIS & RS Group
Geographisches Institut | Institute of Geography
Universität zu Köln | University of Cologne
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 6234

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Semantic Mediawiki based OSGeo Member Map for the OSGeo Wiki

2015-11-30 Thread Christian Willmes


just to explain this a bit more.

Here [1], I included the Advocate Table, Map and new directory list, 
generated from querying the strucutred data. You can see, that the 
current Advocate Page messes up the SMW structured data. Because I 
configured the model that SMW handles one page containing 
[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]] as one OSGeo Advocate entity.

Currently the Advocate Directory [2] includes the data (markup) from the 
included User: profiles, that are containing coordinates, addresses, 
email, etc..

If it is ok, I will remove the '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' string from 
the current Advocate directory page [2]. This will clean the current 
mess in the SMW generated lists/tables/maps.



Am 29.11.2015 um 21:06 schrieb Christian Willmes:


I implemented most of the feedback. Some issues are still open [0], I 
will take care of them soon.

To roll the Advocate list out, I need to remove the User page includes 
from the current Advocate directory [1], and each Advocate's User: 
page needs to be edited, with the following two steps:

1. Include  '[[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]' on the User: page

2. Edit the User: page with this [2] Form and enter the according 
structured data. (got to the link enter 'User:' into 
the input box and click on 'create or edit'.)

I can do this... but maybe people are sensitive about their own 
territory (i.e. their own user: page) in the wiki, so I was unsure 
about that?

Next, the User: page includes ({{User:}}) on the Advocate 
directory [1] need to be removed, and replaced by the new directory, 
table and map from SMW query.

See here [3] and here [4] how these directory, table and map look like 
on the test wiki (if you look at the markup/source you can see how the 
list, table and maps are included.).

Please also provide further feedback, on things like layout and 
additional features etc. You can tell me directly, or file an issue on 
the github repository [0].



On 25.11.2015 23:18, Christian Willmes wrote:

Thank you for your very good Feedback Cameron and Jorge!

I created your feedback points as issues for the OSGeo Wiki SMW model
repository [1]. So you can track the progress, some of them are a bit
tricky, I think I will need some days. I plan to add the changes during
the coming weekend into the OSGeo wiki.

Some answers to questions or feedback, I did not implemented already or
created an issue on github for, are inline below.

On 25.11.2015 12:05, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I wasn't able to test entering data on the page. (I assume the wiki
hasn't been set up for that).

Yes account creation is disabled, if you want an account for testing I
can set one up and send the credentials of list.

We should be careful about helping people protect their personal 
Re address, I'd err on not collecting Street address, probably just 

and Country.

The field is optional. Maybe someone want to give the address of his
work place?

Is it possible to apply address validation to check for spelling 

Interesting, but I don't know any implementation for this problem for

On 25/11/2015 8:21 am, Jorge Sanz wrote:

And I guess the last update info can be retrieved directly from the
history of the page if needed.

This one is quite tricky, because I have to find out how to trigger an
update of the members data from a users (unrelated) activity on the
wiki. It should be possible dynamically through the API, but I'm not
100% sure yet on how to do it.


Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Christian Willmes   
AG GIS & Fernerkundung  | GIS & RS Group
Geographisches Institut | Institute of Geography
Universität zu Köln | University of Cologne
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 6234

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016

2015-11-30 Thread Margherita Di Leo
Hi All,

this is a gentle reminder that the deadline for talk proposals is tomorrow,
**1st December 2015**.
Looking forward to see your contributions.

Thank you and best regards,

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Johan Van de Wauw  wrote:

> Please forward!
> FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event bringing together about 5000
> developers in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open source
> software developers and communities a place to meet and share
> thoughts. The participation is free of charge, although donations are
> welcome. The next edition will take place the last weekend ofJanuary
> 30 - 31 2016. This year for the second time there will be a Geospatial
> devroomon Sunday 31/1/2016, organised by members of the OSGeo,
> Locationtech and OpenStreetMap communities.
> Geospatial technology is becoming rapidly mainstream. The idea
> underpinning the geospatial devroom is bringing together developers
> with different backgrounds to disclosethe opportunities offered by
> cutting-edge open source geospatial technologies. Due to the success
> of last years devroom, a Belgium local chapter of OSGeo, was
> founded, and is now taking part of the organisation of the devroom as
> driving community.
> The Geospatial devroom is the place to talk about the state of the art
> of open, geo-related data, free and open source geospatial software
> and its ecosystem. This includes standards and tools, e.g. spatial
> databases, online mapping tools, geospatial services, used for
> collecting, storing, delivering, analysing, and visualizing geodata.
> We welcome submissions about:
> * Web and desktop GIS applications
> * Interoperable geospatial web services and specifications
> * Collection of data using sensors/drones/satellites
> * Open hardware for geospatial applications
> * Geo-analytic algorithms/libraries
> * Geospatial extensions for classical databases (indexes, operations)
> and dedicated databases
> * Collaborative editing/versioning of geodata
> * Big geodata, scalable GIS applications
> * Volunteered Geograpic information - Crowdsourced data
> Are you thrilled to present your work to other open source developers?
> Would you like to run a discussion? Any other ideas? Please submit
> your proposal using the Pentabarf event planning tool at:
> Make sure to select the 'Geospatial devroom' as  'Track'. Please,
> specify in the notes if you prefer for your presentation either a
> short timeslot (lightning talks ~10 minutes) or along timeslot (20
> minutes presentation + discussion). However, note that time slots are
> indicative and will be assigned according to the needs of the session.
> The DEADLINE for submissions is Tuesday **1st December 2015**.
> Notification of acceptance will be sent to the Authors by Friday
> 11/12/2015 at the latest.
> Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch
> with the organisers of the devroom at!
> Johan Van de Wauw
> Margherita Di Leo
> Astrid Emde
> Anne Ghisla
> Martin Hammitzsch
> Andy Petrella
> Dirk Frigne
> Olivier Courtin
> Thomas Gratier
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Margherita Di Leo
Discuss mailing list