Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

2009-07-05 Thread Rene A Enguehard
Just because a user has succeeded at the captcha does not mean he is 
indeed human. It's been proven by various researchers that beating 
captchas is entirely possible. Optical character recognition, like that 
used in flatbed scanner software, can be used with a fairly high success 
rate. Another technique is to build expert systems to evaluate the 
images. Another still is to build a map of hashes corresponding to 
captcha images with the solutions as


Getting rid of spammers is a real pain. Captchas, IP bans and user 
registration limits all help but nothing really prevents it. 
Registration confirmation by humans is, unfortunately, the only way to 
be certain but not particularly convenient. The only thing I can think 
of that might work better is to build a filter layer into editing pages 
that scans the edit for words like "cialis" and if they are present 
sends an email to system administrators to confirm the edit. This would 
allow people to occasionally use banned words in legitimate uses but 
also flag spammers very quickly.


Markus Neteler a écrit :

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Anne Ghisla wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dave Patton ha scritto:


There is a MediaWiki Extension for reCaptcha [1]


It is already active on new user registration, so maybe part of the spam
comes from human beings :S, then another way to limitate such spam is
ConfirmAccout extension [0], that requires sysops to confirm new users
one by one. This is extra load - but removing spam is extra load as well.

One am one of them - please don't :)
I am dealing with Wikis for many years. These human spammers always
went away so far after a period. The overhead to manually delete a page
from time to time is much less than confirming manually new users (which
is also a non-incentive since they cannot start to hack the Wiki right
away...). I don't mind to continue to delete those spam pages manually.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

2009-07-03 Thread Rene A Enguehard
Deleting or banning the users won't stop them. What you need to do is 
look at where these people are coming from (IPs) and ban those directly.


Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) a écrit :

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses schrieb:

I've found several pages and some users spamming the wiki as you can see in [1]



Thanks for the notice, I removed the pages.

If you are interested in busting this kind of page yourself you are
invited to take on the burdens of the sysop role [1]. This list of
people can delete pages.

I just checked the user list [2] and deleted a dozen more cialis bust
enhancers. If I would gobble all that stuff my bodily dimensions would
have grown beyond any imaginable bra sizes...

Anybody aware of a way to delete the users themselves (now they only
show up as not-yet-edited pages)?

Best regards,



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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] is proj.4 an OSGeo project?

2009-06-22 Thread Rene A Enguehard
Frank would be better placed to answer this but I was under the 
impression it was. It is listed under Trac for OSGeo but it should also 
be listed under libraries on the main OSGeo page, which it apparently 

Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. a écrit :
Is proj.4 an OSGeo project? I thought so, but it's not listed on the 
OSGeo Homepage where all the projects are named.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Import SHP file into MapGuide

2009-06-21 Thread Rene A Enguehard

Hi Jalerson,

I'm not certain as to the particulars of MapGuide OS as I have never 
used it but you should be able to use the ogr2ogr program to convert 
your shapefile to whichever format MapGuide likes best.


Mateusz Loskot a écrit :

Jalerson Lima wrote:

Hi folks!

How to import SHP files into MapGuide Open Source?

Best regards,

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 52North Security API 2.0.2 available

2009-06-10 Thread Rene A Enguehard
Looks really nice. This, I think, answers a question we were asked 
yesterday by Sossio D'Isa about security using OS geospatial products. 
I'll probably end up using this in the near future. However, am I the 
only one that cringed at the sight of GeoRM? Anything associated with 
DRM immediately causes a knee-jerk reaction in me. Perhaps not the best 
name for what looks to be a good product. :)

René A. Enguehard

Ann Hitchcock (52north) a écrit :

*** Sorry for any crosspostings ***
Dear List,
52°North's Security & GeoRM Community announces the release of the 
Security API Version 2.0.2! The major improvement of this release is 
the preparataion of the WSS implementation to support HTTP Basic 
Authentication as an alternate protocol, making the use of the facade 
webapp obsolete. This feature will be available in the upcoming Web 
Security Service (WSS) 2.1.

The Security API 2.0.2 fixes the following bugs:

* Bug 154: Empty fields in WSS Management Application yield exception
* Bug 192: Enable WSS to act as an HTTP Authentication-enabled
  security client
* Bug 225: Show available URLs/authentication schemes for
  enforcement points in WSS mgmt app
* Bug 226: Exception when name for new enforcement point is
  already assigned by another enforcement point
* Bug 227: Exception if specified protected service url is not a
  valid url
* Bug 228: WSS management app shows stack trace if no interceptor
  was selected
* Bug 229: Error when applying changes of WSS configuration if all
  enforcement points were removed
* Bug 234: Make Transferable's attribute lookup case-insensitive
* Bug 235: Provide AuthenticationScheme that requires no
  authentication at all

Please note that this is just a release of the API modules. The 
applications based on this API -- WAS, WSS, and WSC.Web -- have yet to 
be updated.

More information


Security & GeoRM Community Website


Dipl.-Geogr. Ann Hitchcock
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Muenster

Tel.: +49 (0)251 74 74- 520
Fax: +49 (0)251 74 74- 530  

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Info about OSGEO community and OS GIS products

2009-06-09 Thread Rene A Enguehard

Hi Sossio,

I'll reply to your questions in order:

1. I'm unaware of any such products, you'd probably have to combine 
multiple programs and libraries or "roll your own".

2. Same thing. I don't think there are specific telco meetings but you 
are welcome to go to OS GIS meetings and discuss telecom applications.

3. From what I can see PostgreSQL handles concurrency in a variety of 
ways: you can explicitly lock tables, you can perform you can define 
transaction isolation levels and you can do versioning. More information 

4. Catalogues do exist. GeoNetwork would be an example of a metadata 

5. I'm not sure at what level you are talking about. Do you mean user 
authentication at an web application level or at a lower level? In the 
case of web apps, MapBender supports user authentication. At the DB 
level PostgreSQL supports multi-user databases with particular roles for 
each user.

6. Open source licenses are free as in speech as well as free as in 
beer. However, you cannot just take an open source product and integrate 
it into a closed source product and sell the whole lot as your own 
closed source product. Open source requires, generally speaking, 
redistribution of source code for any product that uses it. There are, 
of course, a variety of licenses with different restrictions. You might 
want to look at: GPL (versions 2 and 3), LGPL, MIT Licenses, BSD 
Licenses and the CreativeCommons licenses. These are all used, to 
varying degrees, in the open source community and imply various levels 
of restrictions. Wikipedia has a fair deal of information on all of these.

Hope this helps,
René A. Enguehard

Sossio D'Isa a écrit :

Hello to everybody,

I need some info about OSGEO community and OS GIS 

1 - Do specific OS GIS products for telco applications 

2 - Do you know some community meetings about OS GIS products 
for telco applications?

3 - How concurrency is generally managed? For 
example, if two 
or more users use a QGIS application running on 
PostGIS instance, how concurrency is managed?
ESRI products use 

4 - Does any catalogue exist? In other words, do exist any 
tool for defining some kind of objects, symbols and
between ones?

5 - Does any product for user authentication and user 
role definition exist?

6 - Are OS GIS product completely license 

Thank you so much for your supprt.



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