Hi all,

After a while without too much administration on the nabble archives
I've offered myself with Mat Loskot as backup admin to update and
polish the status of nabble archives.

Thanks to Eli and others I've just set up a bunch of mailing lists

- libLAS, PDAL and GeoMOOSE projects
- Dutch and Philippines Local Chapters
- Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Cantabria and ES_Norte Spanish
microchapters (generally called "geoinquietos")

So if your OSGeo list has been more or less recently created and it's
not archived at nabble.com, please answer this thread, drop a line to
nabble [at] osgeo [dot] org or (even better) fill a ticket at the Trac
and we will be glad to help.

Another point is about conference mailing lists. Eli asked about the
FOSS4G Central and East Europe list to be archived but I haven't seen
any other event related list archived (except the conf committee). If
you think it's worth we can create a new category for events and add
there the different mailing lists we could arrange around general

Waiting for comments, ideas.

Best regards

Jorge Sanz
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