[OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-05 Thread Zachary L. Stauber
Hash: SHA1

Perry, Gary, Tim, Mark, Richard, thank you all for your support.  I'm looking
forward to a local chapter (it would be the first in the US, hard as it is to
believe).  As for the education suggestions, thank you once again.  I'll get Amy
Ballard in touch with the education project at OSGeo since she is the GIT chair
at our community college.  Karl and I are thinking of tag teaming a class, and
he has some curriculum built up, but it would be best if it was built around
what OSGeo had in mind.

I spoke with Tyler today about the chapter and I have attempted to address an
apparently unique issue.  The NM chapter wants to begin some software projects
that don't yet exist, OS or otherwise, and it's unclear what I meant by starting
something up under the banner of OSGeo.

MapServer is managed by UMN, GRASS by ITC, OSSIM by RadiantBlue, but we folks
don't have an organization that would create software, manage it, release it as
open source, so our organization would be...the New Mexico chapter of OSGeo.
It's a New Mexico OSGeo project, so they direct it, and they release it,
technically OSGeo releases it.  That's all.  It's a new concept for OSGeo, but I
think it helps, and I think it will be common as time goes on.  The more formal
membership in OSGeo becomes, the more solid that link becomes.

We do all have organizations already, but nothing that would allow us to work on
something under their employ and release it as open source, and I can tell you,
if it isn't open source, it isn't going to happen at all, at least not from me.
 Few of us are professional programmers (e.g., I'm not) and can't devote much,
if any, time to these projects during work hours, and people tend not to write
software on their own time either if it's just for work.  In short, it's open
source or no source.

So who owns it?  Nowhere in the discussion of open source have I ever seen that
addressed because nobody owns it.  Anyone can take it and develop on their own
branch however they like, although that rarely happens.  Any source I write I
intend to release as GPL, free, and anyone can do what they want with it, and I
think most of New Mexican developers have something identical in mind.
Essentially, think of it like any other open source project, MapServer, etc.,
the copyright is held by whoever wrote it but as you know GPL allows for all
kinds of things that your traditional copyright disallows.  Most things are on
SourceForge, we want to host our own source because we're geeks and we thinking
setting up Subversion would be fun.

Thank you for your consideration.  Please email me or this list if you have any
other questions, and otherwise thanks again for all the encouragement.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-05 Thread Mark Lucas


I think this is a good idea and i'd suggest you take a look at OSSIM  
http://www.ossim.org which is more focused on photogrammetry and  
remote sensing.  It already performs orthorectification, precision  
terrain correction, map projection/datum shifts, and supports several  
rigorous camera models.  OSSIM is an OSGeo project, but is not as  
well known as some of the online mapping tools due to its more  
scientific orientation and corresponding learning curve.  OSSIM would  
certainly benefit from additional capabilities in some of these areas  
and educational materials.

Contact me directly if you are interested in finding out more.

Mark Lucas

I think a chapter in New Mexico focused on the technologies that you  
have defined would be an asset to the overall OSGeo effort.

On Feb 4, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Zachary L. Stauber wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,
	Some of us down here in New Mexico (or up depending on your  
orientation) want
to start a local chapter.  I've started a wiki here listing some  
info on us.


Anyone think it's a great idea?
A bad idea?
Too small of an area?
Too big?
Just right?

Before you answer let me go into a little bit of why we need a  
chapter.  I work
for a private engineering firm that does photogrammetry that does a  
high volume
of orthophotos plus I teach photogrammetry part time at the local  
institute where we can't afford the usual software.  I'd like to  
see the
software cheaper (specifically, free) and developers pay more  
attention to bug
fixes and so on, which open source usually does.  So I need a  
vehicle for
starting up photogrammetry in open source, and rather that  
duplicating efforts,
we figured we'd join OSGeo.  My co-worker John Nipper is a  
programmer with
experience in programming for aerial cameras and LiDAR sensors and  
wants to
help.  But we also need to be able to solicit help from experts in  
the field,
professors of photogrammetry and surveying, mathematics, etc., and  
open source

is the only neutral ground on which we can easily work together.

My colleague and chair of the GIT program at the tech-voc school  
Amy Ballard
wants to offer a class just on open source software.  She believes  
it's taking
off and will is useful in real jobs around New Mexico, and she  
wants to

encourage its further use.

R. Cliff Wilkie, geodetic surveyor for the City of Albuquerque,  
wants to offer
users some shifting and reprojection software for surveyors to  
manipulate their
points that operates transparently and has a good manual or  
explanation of the
mechanics internally so people know what's happening to their data,  
for people

like him to whom 1mm is a significant error.

Karl Benedict is hosting the server.  He's the senior research  
analyst and IT
manager for the University of New Mexico's Earth Data Analysis  
Center.  He's
been 100% open source for years now, big user of the usual suspects  
Linux, SOAP, and so on), and is all for encouraging their use in  
the GIS

community in New Mexico.

I think we have a unique setup here, not only having people from  
all three
communities (private, government, and academic) but most important  
working in
some fields that are somewhat esoteric.  GoogleEarth has millions  
of users, and
with it things like MapServer.  Desktop GIS has tens of thousands  
around the
world, but photogrammetry and high accuracy geodesy, probably only  
hundred.  So there are a lot of things being developed in the high  
volume areas
of open source that get a lot of attention, and the esoteric ones  
don't so much,
which is too bad because the commercial software available suffers  
in quality
from the same dynamic.  There are only a dozen photogrammetry  
packages out there
compared to scores of desktop GIS, and most of them are flirting  
with a price

around US$20,000 per component, per license.

The US National Geodetic Survey provides some tools for datum  
shifts and
reprojecdtions like CorpsCon, but they are US-centric, and the  
development is
controlled by a body which is not funded as well as it should be  
it's the foundation on which all geographic data is collected.   
Some software is

still DOS-only.

We need to be part of OSGeo so development can make sure the  
property rests in the public domain and the development is still  
controlled by a
long-lived body devoted to the task like OSGeo rather than the US  
government or any private business.  They can donate money and  
their peoples'
time to us, grants, etc., but development that goes into a private  
box is
notoriously cumbersome to update, doesn't have a wide range of  
users to test it,

and has a habit of dying off.

-Zack Stauber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-05 Thread Gary Watry
We have produced several intro course works (Udig, Quantum GIS, 
MapWindow) for open source GIS desktop software here at Florida State, 
You are welcome to use them if you want.

Also we have a course for open source software that includes other 
software beside GIS . I can send the syllabus if you want. It includes 
al the reading assignments, etc.

Zachary L. Stauber wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,
Some of us down here in New Mexico (or up depending on your 
orientation) want
to start a local chapter.  I've started a wiki here listing some info on us.

Anyone think it's a great idea?
A bad idea?
Too small of an area?
Too big?
Just right?

Before you answer let me go into a little bit of why we need a chapter.  I work
for a private engineering firm that does photogrammetry that does a high volume
of orthophotos plus I teach photogrammetry part time at the local tech-voc
institute where we can't afford the usual software.  I'd like to see the
software cheaper (specifically, free) and developers pay more attention to bug
fixes and so on, which open source usually does.  So I need a vehicle for
starting up photogrammetry in open source, and rather that duplicating efforts,
we figured we'd join OSGeo.  My co-worker John Nipper is a programmer with
experience in programming for aerial cameras and LiDAR sensors and wants to
help.  But we also need to be able to solicit help from experts in the field,
professors of photogrammetry and surveying, mathematics, etc., and open source
is the only neutral ground on which we can easily work together.

My colleague and chair of the GIT program at the tech-voc school Amy Ballard
wants to offer a class just on open source software.  She believes it's taking
off and will is useful in real jobs around New Mexico, and she wants to
encourage its further use.

R. Cliff Wilkie, geodetic surveyor for the City of Albuquerque, wants to offer
users some shifting and reprojection software for surveyors to manipulate their
points that operates transparently and has a good manual or explanation of the
mechanics internally so people know what's happening to their data, for people
like him to whom 1mm is a significant error.

Karl Benedict is hosting the server.  He's the senior research analyst and IT
manager for the University of New Mexico's Earth Data Analysis Center.  He's
been 100% open source for years now, big user of the usual suspects (MapServer,
Linux, SOAP, and so on), and is all for encouraging their use in the GIS
community in New Mexico.

I think we have a unique setup here, not only having people from all three
communities (private, government, and academic) but most important working in
some fields that are somewhat esoteric.  GoogleEarth has millions of users, and
with it things like MapServer.  Desktop GIS has tens of thousands around the
world, but photogrammetry and high accuracy geodesy, probably only several
hundred.  So there are a lot of things being developed in the high volume areas
of open source that get a lot of attention, and the esoteric ones don't so much,
which is too bad because the commercial software available suffers in quality
from the same dynamic.  There are only a dozen photogrammetry packages out there
compared to scores of desktop GIS, and most of them are flirting with a price
around US$20,000 per component, per license.

The US National Geodetic Survey provides some tools for datum shifts and
reprojecdtions like CorpsCon, but they are US-centric, and the development is
controlled by a body which is not funded as well as it should be considering
it's the foundation on which all geographic data is collected.  Some software is
still DOS-only.

We need to be part of OSGeo so development can make sure the intellectual
property rests in the public domain and the development is still controlled by a
long-lived body devoted to the task like OSGeo rather than the US federal
government or any private business.  They can donate money and their peoples'
time to us, grants, etc., but development that goes into a private box is
notoriously cumbersome to update, doesn't have a wide range of users to test it,
and has a habit of dying off.

-Zack Stauber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-04 Thread Pericles S. Nacionales

I, for one, think it would be a great idea!  I know Karl and others at UNM and 
that they've been proponents of open source geospatial software for quite 
sometime. As you work on your local chapter's agenda, you might want to 
browse through the web and wiki pages of the many OSGeo 
projects/initiatives--we currently have the Education ad Curriculum committee 
(http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Education_and_Curriculum_Committee, which 
hopefully will become active again soon), the public geodata project 
(http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Public_Geospatial_Data_Project), and of 
course all the software projects.  The public geodata project is quite active 
on IRC (channel #osgeo) as are the other OSGeo committees, please feel free 
to join in and participate.

I'm sure others will have more to add but let me be the first to say, welcome!

On Sunday 04 February 2007 18:11, Zachary L. Stauber wrote:
> Hi All,
>   Some of us down here in New Mexico (or up depending on your orientation)
> want to start a local chapter.  I've started a wiki here listing some info
> on us. http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/New_Mexico
> Anyone think it's a great idea?
> A bad idea?
> Too small of an area?
> Too big?
> Just right?
> Before you answer let me go into a little bit of why we need a chapter.  I
> work for a private engineering firm that does photogrammetry that does a
> high volume of orthophotos plus I teach photogrammetry part time at the
> local tech-voc institute where we can't afford the usual software.  I'd
> like to see the software cheaper (specifically, free) and developers pay
> more attention to bug fixes and so on, which open source usually does.  So
> I need a vehicle for starting up photogrammetry in open source, and rather
> that duplicating efforts, we figured we'd join OSGeo.  My co-worker John
> Nipper is a programmer with experience in programming for aerial cameras
> and LiDAR sensors and wants to help.  But we also need to be able to
> solicit help from experts in the field, professors of photogrammetry and
> surveying, mathematics, etc., and open source is the only neutral ground on
> which we can easily work together.
> My colleague and chair of the GIT program at the tech-voc school Amy
> Ballard wants to offer a class just on open source software.  She believes
> it's taking off and will is useful in real jobs around New Mexico, and she
> wants to encourage its further use.
> R. Cliff Wilkie, geodetic surveyor for the City of Albuquerque, wants to
> offer users some shifting and reprojection software for surveyors to
> manipulate their points that operates transparently and has a good manual
> or explanation of the mechanics internally so people know what's happening
> to their data, for people like him to whom 1mm is a significant error.
> Karl Benedict is hosting the server.  He's the senior research analyst and
> IT manager for the University of New Mexico's Earth Data Analysis Center. 
> He's been 100% open source for years now, big user of the usual suspects
> (MapServer, Linux, SOAP, and so on), and is all for encouraging their use
> in the GIS community in New Mexico.
> I think we have a unique setup here, not only having people from all three
> communities (private, government, and academic) but most important working
> in some fields that are somewhat esoteric.  GoogleEarth has millions of
> users, and with it things like MapServer.  Desktop GIS has tens of
> thousands around the world, but photogrammetry and high accuracy geodesy,
> probably only several hundred.  So there are a lot of things being
> developed in the high volume areas of open source that get a lot of
> attention, and the esoteric ones don't so much, which is too bad because
> the commercial software available suffers in quality from the same dynamic.
>  There are only a dozen photogrammetry packages out there compared to
> scores of desktop GIS, and most of them are flirting with a price around
> US$20,000 per component, per license.
> The US National Geodetic Survey provides some tools for datum shifts and
> reprojecdtions like CorpsCon, but they are US-centric, and the development
> is controlled by a body which is not funded as well as it should be
> considering it's the foundation on which all geographic data is collected. 
> Some software is still DOS-only.
> We need to be part of OSGeo so development can make sure the intellectual
> property rests in the public domain and the development is still controlled
> by a long-lived body devoted to the task like OSGeo rather than the US
> federal government or any private business.  They can donate money and
> their peoples' time to us, grants, etc., but development that goes into a
> private box is notoriously cumbersome to update, doesn't have a wide range
> of users to test it, and has a habit of dying off.
>   -Zack Stauber
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.o

[OSGeo-Discuss] New Mexico local chapter?

2007-02-04 Thread Zachary L. Stauber
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,
Some of us down here in New Mexico (or up depending on your 
orientation) want
to start a local chapter.  I've started a wiki here listing some info on us.

Anyone think it's a great idea?
A bad idea?
Too small of an area?
Too big?
Just right?

Before you answer let me go into a little bit of why we need a chapter.  I work
for a private engineering firm that does photogrammetry that does a high volume
of orthophotos plus I teach photogrammetry part time at the local tech-voc
institute where we can't afford the usual software.  I'd like to see the
software cheaper (specifically, free) and developers pay more attention to bug
fixes and so on, which open source usually does.  So I need a vehicle for
starting up photogrammetry in open source, and rather that duplicating efforts,
we figured we'd join OSGeo.  My co-worker John Nipper is a programmer with
experience in programming for aerial cameras and LiDAR sensors and wants to
help.  But we also need to be able to solicit help from experts in the field,
professors of photogrammetry and surveying, mathematics, etc., and open source
is the only neutral ground on which we can easily work together.

My colleague and chair of the GIT program at the tech-voc school Amy Ballard
wants to offer a class just on open source software.  She believes it's taking
off and will is useful in real jobs around New Mexico, and she wants to
encourage its further use.

R. Cliff Wilkie, geodetic surveyor for the City of Albuquerque, wants to offer
users some shifting and reprojection software for surveyors to manipulate their
points that operates transparently and has a good manual or explanation of the
mechanics internally so people know what's happening to their data, for people
like him to whom 1mm is a significant error.

Karl Benedict is hosting the server.  He's the senior research analyst and IT
manager for the University of New Mexico's Earth Data Analysis Center.  He's
been 100% open source for years now, big user of the usual suspects (MapServer,
Linux, SOAP, and so on), and is all for encouraging their use in the GIS
community in New Mexico.

I think we have a unique setup here, not only having people from all three
communities (private, government, and academic) but most important working in
some fields that are somewhat esoteric.  GoogleEarth has millions of users, and
with it things like MapServer.  Desktop GIS has tens of thousands around the
world, but photogrammetry and high accuracy geodesy, probably only several
hundred.  So there are a lot of things being developed in the high volume areas
of open source that get a lot of attention, and the esoteric ones don't so much,
which is too bad because the commercial software available suffers in quality
from the same dynamic.  There are only a dozen photogrammetry packages out there
compared to scores of desktop GIS, and most of them are flirting with a price
around US$20,000 per component, per license.

The US National Geodetic Survey provides some tools for datum shifts and
reprojecdtions like CorpsCon, but they are US-centric, and the development is
controlled by a body which is not funded as well as it should be considering
it's the foundation on which all geographic data is collected.  Some software is
still DOS-only.

We need to be part of OSGeo so development can make sure the intellectual
property rests in the public domain and the development is still controlled by a
long-lived body devoted to the task like OSGeo rather than the US federal
government or any private business.  They can donate money and their peoples'
time to us, grants, etc., but development that goes into a private box is
notoriously cumbersome to update, doesn't have a wide range of users to test it,
and has a habit of dying off.

-Zack Stauber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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