dear all,

The list of nominations for new OSGeo Charter Members is here:

>From today until the end of Friday 6th June 2008, votes for 
15 new Charter Members are being accepted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
 * Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a list of names 15 lines
   long (one vote per new member slot)
 * Votes can be for 15 different people, or the same person
   15 times, or any balance in between. has more links.

Charter Members are responsible for electing the Board of the
OSGeo Foundation. The initial group of Charter Members was the 25
people in the Free and Open Source Geospatial community who attended
the "startup" meeting of the Foundation in Chicago on 4th Feb. 2006

This group later selected another 20 Charter Members and they in turn 
elected the first complete Board in the summer of 2006. In 2007 another 
15 Charter Members were elected to the Foundation (one stood down).
The current list is at explains why the Charter Membership
exists, basically as an attempt to guarantee the ongoing integrity
of the Board as representative of the community at large. 
This is seen as more stable, and less liable to "hijack", than
granting a vote in exchange for payment (like the OpenStreetmap Foundation)
or in exchange for measurable contribution (like Wikimedia's Foundation)

This year's nominations again, for those who read this far:

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