I was having re-buffering issues as well. Turned out my problems were, 1
interference and 2 weak Access-point. I live in Amsterdam and there are
SO many wlan's around me that the biggest problem for me was
interference. I used wifiradar (Linux) to see what channels were being
used around me and set my channel as far away from "the rest".

I also had a very small and simple access-point/router Linksys WRT54GC
v2. I noticed that after a while my access point "flooded" itself and
was not able to transmit continuously, resulting in re-buffering. Once I
rebooted (power off/on)everything worked again.

I bought myself the Linksys WRT54G with linux on it and replaced the
firmware with dd-wrt firmware. Now everything is golden.

The dd-wrt firmware has the following benefits:
- throughput of streaming audio has priority (and you can change the
- wireless signal quality per client can be seen
- wireless tx power can be increased
- schedule a reboot (reboot my router every night at 5am)
- add a hotspot service (has nothing to do with squeezebox server, but
is handy to allow visitors easy access when needed)
- ..... and much more

Now I have a very stable squeezebox network. A sheevaplug as server
with the latest squeezebox software, the new router AND NO MORE
RE-BUFFERING (finally)

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