Okey. At firsk lets get something straight.
The URL: http://squeezecenter:9000/stream.mp3 does NOT go into the
address bar of the browser. If you do that the browser will try to
download the stream as an .mp3 file.

1. Open WMP, select File -> Open URL and put the url here
2. The WMP appears in the SqueezeCenter with the PCs IP address in the
Now the player is registered in SqueezeCenter.
3. Select the player in SqueezeCenter and start some playing
Note: Nothing will happen here.
4. Go to WMP and open the same URL again (just like refreshing)
Now you will get playing and you will be able to se the player is
playing in SqueezeCenter too.

The reason why this is so diffycult is the way that WMP hooks up on a
WMP could hook on to any stream at any time. SqueezeCenter cannot
remtely control WMP like it can with the Squeezebox Reciever and so on.

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