I have a confusing problem. I use EVDO (a USB cellular modem)broadband
service, and I use ICS to connect to Sirius, etc. I have no router, but
this setup worked flawlessly for months with SC version 7.0. 

Once I upgraded SC (now, version 7.2), I began experiencing
disconnects on my EVDO connection consistently every 13 to 14 minutes.

I narrowed down the cause of these disconnects to SC: If I turn off
the SC service my EVDO connection stays connected indefinitely;
however, once I start SC, I again lose connections every 13 to 14
minutes without fail. Very frustrating. 

I have since uninstalled SC, then downgraded and reinstalled version
7.0- My connection problem has vanished.

I refuse to buy an expensive EVDO router (that is what Tech Support
told me to do)-I will be moving soon and won't need EVDO. I also don't
want to use an outdated version of SC.

I don't know much about networks (more now that I've had problems)-
Is there something I am missing? Does SC 7.2 change something in
regards to networking, or IP's or something?

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