Tarantin wrote: 
> I and think "Always Stream via Helper" must be checked on Triode's
> plugin to be sure that SB Radios/Touch will stream through this plugin
> and not the official app.
> Is there's a hack to totally hide Triode's app icon from "my radios" and
> on the search submenu?  (because I see "my music", "internet
> radio"...and two "spotify" entries (one for each plugin)).
> And one more thing...I using squeeze CTRL on some android tablet,but
> when selecting a SB receiver the official spotify app is not listed on
> "my apps".
> It is officially not compatible but if I go on my LMS webinterface it
> appears and works (and as long as the audio part is managed by triode-s
> plugin, it works with any kind of receiver)...how can I force it to
> appear?

I manager to activateur everything the way it should be. Great, thankyou
to all.  I do however have the same issue with squeeze ctrl on my tablet
(android app to control Squeezebox).  Triode's Spotify app is Liste
(either under my apps or radio- depending on settings).  The official
app is not Liste though,  ever.  I even uninstalled triode's Spotify
app. In the WebInterface everything is where it belongs and works like à
charme. It would be so convenient to control with tablet and or phone...

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