Hi all,

I'm having a somewhat similar but less abrupt problem.

I also have an SB3, about two years old.

A month or so ago, I noticed that the *top third* of the display
started to flicker and then go blank.

Initially, after turning off the SB3, things were back to normal. But
enough the problem was back, and only got worse.

For a while, the top-third of the display would slowly come back to
with a mostly *static* display, like the clock, but would quickly fade
if things got busy (display scrolling etc.).

Somehow, it was as if some driver circuitry couldn't quite muster the
effort to power the top third of the display. The lower two thirds
were as bright as ever and didn't show any hints of problems.

I should also say that the unit works perfectly in all other respects
far as I can tell. And that it has been treated very carefully, so
unlikely to be something simple like a loose connection. Which
be very consistent with fault symptoms anyway.

Eventually the top-third died completely. That was upsetting,
but not a disaster as I simply could reduce the hight of the letters
of the display.

But now the *middle* third of the display has started to show
signs of giving up in exactly the same way! It's not dead yet,
but if the stoy of the sad demise of the top third is anything
to go by, it's only a matter of time.

And with only a bottom third working (and who knows for how long?),
control, and worse, configuration, is a serious problem.

Yes, I can control it remotely. And yes, there is apparently software
for remote configuration over UDP. But even so.

Has anyone encountered anything similar? 

Searching the forums only turned up a post from an SB Boom user who
had a half-dead display. But no replies.

Is it likely to be the display itself, or the driver circuitry?

In the former case, I've found some post indicating that it is
possible to source a new display and not too hard to fit. Even if
not cheap, I think I'd give that a try if it was likely to resolve
the problem.

I really like my SB3, so any advice would be much appreciated!



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