@ Aguida:
I have exactly the same problem!
I have a wireless network and a SB2 and more recently a SB3, now both
connected through my router to my Vista PC running SS 6.5.2
When I had my former router (a Linksys) there was no problem. But when
I changed routers the problems began. I too have to go all the way
throught the setup to reconnect to network and SS. The SB3 I bought
recently and never connected to my old router. But this one has the
same problem! I don't think it has anything to do with signal strenght
because my PC with SS is further from the router than my squeezeboxes,
and never has a connectivity problem. Signalstrenght as seen on the SB
is mostly above 85%.
So I think it must be a router problem. But I'm still not sure how to
fix it, so any suggestion is more than welcome!

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