Several forum members are using the WebLogger plugin to display what’s
currently playing on their Squeezeboxes on their personal web sites.

My philosophy: Why spend five minutes implementing a perfectly
functional existing solution when you can spend 30 or 40 hours doing a
substandard version of the same thing from scratch?

I’m not a PERL programmer, but I deduced from looking at the scripts
for WebLogger that it relied on a technique to similar to the one
employed in KDF’s Execute Script plugin to ascertain when SlimServer
played files. The Execute Script plugin listens for various SlimServer
events and then executes scripts when the events fire. I was already
using Execute Script, and it seemed like it would be fairly
straightforward to write a script to update a page on our web site that
would execute on SlimServer’s Play, Stop and Squeezebox Power Off

Taking a look at the Technical Information link on the SlimServer web
interface, I learned about SlimServer’s XML skin. By browsing to:
http://localhost:9000/xml/status.xml, I found that the XML returned
from this URL contained all of the information that I wished to display
on our web site. So, I set about writing a script that would read the
current “status” XML, extract the desired data, insert the data into a
much simplified XML structure, post the XML to our web site, and then
FTP the current cover image, should one exist. It took quite a while to
debug, but the script itself was not too difficult to produce. Getting
it to run with the Execute Script plugin was another story. It simply
would not work. Double-clicking on the script worked fine, but using
the Execute Script plugin, my script hung trying to load the XML from
status.xml. I still don’t know what the issue is (although I assume
it’s permissions-related), but eventually I had to look for a

I tried all sorts of options, calling my script in a batch file, moving
the portion of my code that would not run into an executable, etc., but
all attempts failed. Finally, I focused on the Task Scheduler. I had
discovered earlier that running the script as a Scheduled Task worked.
I started looking around for information about scripting the task
scheduler. My plan was to have the Execute Script plugin execute a
script that instructed the Task Scheduler to launch my script.

My SlimServer is running on a Windows 2000 box. Scripting the Task
Scheduler on Windows 2000 is possible, but not extremely pretty. And
while I found how script the creation of a task, I couldn’t find a
means of scripting a command to “run this task now.” XP, however,
includes an application called schtasks.exe that can be scripted to run
a task immediately. Officially, this program runs only on XP and higher,
but I found a tip about using a hex editor to make a slight change to
the program that allows it to run under Windows 2000.

Once I got the task scheduling and executing squared away, I had a
little trouble getting Execute Script to recognize the Play event. KDF
helped me through that issue with some changes to the Execute Script
plugin. I also made a few changes myself such as adding a handler for
the Power Off event and suppressing the attempts by the script to
display what it’s doing on the Squeezebox’s display.

The one issue that I was not able to resolve other than through brute
force was to update our web site when the Squeezebox had either stopped
or was turned off. This is possible by using the CLI, but I have no
knowledge in that area right now, so my brute force method is simply to
check the Squeezebox every five minutes (with another task and script)
to see if it’s either stopped or off.

Here’s the finished product. Hopefully, we’re playing something
interesting if and when you have a look:

In the ZIP file below, I’ve included all of the files for this status
monitor in case anyone else wants to play with them. This is a
Microsoft IIS/ASP/VBScript-based project.

*UPDATE_SLIMSERVER_STATUS.vbs*: This is the main script that loads the
“status” XML, extracts the needed data, inserts the data into a much
simplified XML structure, posts the XML to our web site, and then FTPs
the current cover image. It's scheduled to run at system startup and
just sits there otherwise until called upon.

*UPDATE_NONPLAYING_STATUS.vbs*: This script notifies our web site if
the Squeezebox has either stopped or is off. It runs from a scheduled
task every five minutes.

*LAUNCH_UPDATE_TASK.vbs*: This script instructs the Task Scheduler to
run the UPDATE_SLIMSERVER_STATUS.vbs script immediately.

**: My modified version of KDF’s script (1.7) for SlimServer
6.2.x that includes an extra event to listen for: Power OFF and also
changes 1) to listen for the Play event, and 2) activate the script on
initialization. KDF has a different version of the script for
SlimServer 6.5.

On our web site:

*now_playing.xml*: The XML file that contains data about SlimServer’s

*recently_played.xml*: I’m also tracking the last 20 items played on
the Squeezebox.

*update_now_playing_xml.asp*: This page accepts the posted XML from the
UPDATE_SLIMSERVER_STATUS.vbs script and saves it to now_playing.xml.

*now_playing.asp*: This is a two-frame frameset document. It is
designed to appear in a 383px by 425px iframe on another page (in my
case, slimserver_status.asp).

*now_playing_details.asp*: This document displays SlimServer’s “now
playing” status and loads into the top frame of now_playing.asp. It
includes code to make every attempt to always load fresh stuff and not
rely on the browser’s cache.

*now_playing_monitor.asp*: This page resides in the bottom 0px frame of
now_playing.asp, and is invisible to the user. It reloads every ten
seconds and compares the state of now_playing.xml with values stored in
Session variables. If it detects a change, it forces
now_playing_details.asp to reload. If everything works as it’s supposed
to, our web site is never more that ten seconds behind what’s actually
happening on the Squeezebox.

*recent_selections.asp*: This page displays the 20 most recently played

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