Two related questions. I've been looking at the protocols between the Squeezebox and the Slimserver with ethereal and I've noticed that the protocol specifications bundled with the Slimserver appear to be incomplete. I see commands and data structures that aren't documented. Is a more recent version available?

If I understand the protocol correctly, the server hands the Squeezebox a command that basically says "fetch the following URL, play the resulting data stream with the following DAC settings, and let me know when you're done". (The DAC settings are ignored with MP3 and FLAC files, as those settings are embedded in the data stream.)

This seems pretty straightforward and flexible.

During playback the Squeezebox continually lets the server know how it's doing, e.g., by reporting buffer utilization, etc, and the server tells the Squeezebox exactly what to show on its screen. Even something as simple as screen scrolling happens only when the server tells it to.

But I notice that every HTTP 'get' operation is handed back to the Slimserver, even when it's an "Internet Radio" stream. The Slimserver fetches the data from the source and relays it to the Squeezebox. I suppose that makes it possible for multiple Squeezeboxes to play the same stream without duplication over the wide area network connection.

Still, it would be handy if I had a hook to let me pass my own URL directly to the Squeezebox, without application-layer relaying through the Slimserver. This might be useful if I wanted to use my Squeezebox as a "dumb" D/A converter for some special application such as Internet telephony, or driving the Squeezebox DAC directly from a program of my own. Does anybody know if such a "raw DAC" access hook already exists in the Slimserver?

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