Has anyone else noticed that the fast-forwarding and rewinding functions
of the SB3 are not very functional?  On several occasions I have tried
rewinding or fast-forwarding a track to a given point, and the SB3 will
freeze.  It often happens when I press a button a few times rapidly.  

Another problem with fast-forwarding and rewinding: say you're trying
to rewind to the middle of a track.  You press rewind on the remote
once, and it starts to rewind.  It reaches the point that you'd like to
play - but you need to press rewind again another two or three or four
times to get it to play.  If you hit play, the track will stop, and
when you hit play again, it will resume rewinding.  If you hit stop,
the track will stop, and when you hit play, it resets the playback of
the track.  

In short, there's no way to get it to start playing at the point you
want it to unless you press the rewind button several times rapidly -
something that (as mentioned above) more often than not results in the
SB3 freezing up.  Surely something can be done to give users the option
of just having a *single* rewind and fast-forward speed, so that one
press of the button gets the SB3 to start playing.  I'm thinking that
this could also resolve the freezing problem.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?


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