I have an old duet receiver where the controller died quite a while
back, but the duet receiver kept working until the power supply died in

Now I've gotten a power supply from someone else's old duet receiver and
I plugged the power into the receiver, and the LED on the front lit up
and cycled through a lot of colours until finally settling on blue,

This meant that it was connected to the home wi-fi and was trying to
find a squeeze server of some sort.

The player is listed on mysqueezebox.com from earlier, but didn't show
up as connected.

I booted the PC that used to run LMS and started LMS and the player
appeared there.

But the LMS settings had no setting for connecting the player to

I looked at Net::UDAP which I've used earlier to reconnect the duet
receiver to the wi-fi after changing the access point. 

But Net::UDAP seems to be concerned with getting a duet on to the
network, and the duet is on the network.

Is there a REST API on the duet itself that I could use to make it use


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